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 sorry i haven't been updating, if you want details go to my profile, then go onto conversations, more is explained there.Also, over 400 reads?! Love u all! Anyways enjoy!

Kakyoin's POV: 

I woke Jotaro up by slapping him in the face,hard. I didn't want to since i love him but we had to get to school since i didn't want to be late on my first day. When he got up he said he needed to shower, so i waited on his bed for a few minutes, the smell of Jotaro was everywhere. I quickly looked down to see if i was hard, i'm not, thank god. I looked at my phone as i turned it on, 40 past. I was about to open my mouth and call Jotaro, but the bathroom door opened. Jotaro came out ...

Jotaros POV:

I came out of the bathroom, only to find a pink-faced, staring kakyoin sitting on my bed.

"Hey, you okay?"what was that face, i'm gonna admit, its cute. " Have you never seen another mans body before?"

" N-No i've only seen mine and my dads..." Kakyoin admitting was cute, but it was unusual, he hasn't seen another man's naked body before. it was my chance... I walked over to Kakyoin and crouched, staring into his eyes. As i was about to kiss him,his hands cupped my face and i felt soft lips against my own.Kakyoins lips... Without hesitation, i pushed kakyoin back onto the bed, still connected.

"What the fuck was that Noriaki?!" I shouted as we finally broke off

"I-im sorry jota-" i felt a little bad.

"I wanted to kiss you first, why do you think i got naked then got close to you?" I said the truth i wanted to kiss him first. His face was red now, then i realized, he was crying. "Nori, are you okay? Whats wrong!?"

"I-Its nothing, i'm just happy that you love me too,you just seem like a strai-" I cut Kakyoin off by kissing him again, i loved every second of it...

"Now shut the fuck up, i love you more and that's the end of that." I looked over at kakyoin's phone which was across the bed," Nori, I better get ready if we wanna get to school on time."

Timeskip is brought to you by doppios cute face

Timeskip is brought to you by doppios cute face

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Kakyoin's POV:

"Hey Joot,  why weren't your brothers home when I came and where's everyone?" i was still blushing,holding Jotaros hand.

" Dorms, everyone wanted to live in the dorms this year so we can get away from our parents, i was going to as well but since i heard that you were coming back i couldn't, and since what happened this morning i have more of a reason..." He looked at me, the corners of his lips curling up a little as he said the last part.

my face turned red as i tried to speak," W-what d-do you mean dorms?"

"You are in dorms of 6, but there are 3 bedrooms with 2 single beds in each room, a kitchen, a bathroom in each room and a living room. Bucciarati, abbacchio, fugo, narancia, caesar and joseph are sharing one. Josuke,Rohan, mista and giorno are sharing one as well but of course mista wants me to stay there too..."

"Why does Mista want you to stay too?"

"He doesn't want there to be 4 people in that dorm because he's scared of the number."

"What, why i-"

"don't ask me..."

Silence... I tried to break it after a couple of minutes after i thought of a idea.

"Hey, Jotaro?" He looked over at me and grunted in response.

" If i were to stay in the dorm with Mista, Giorno,Rohan and Josuke, would you stay with me?"

Jotaro looked at me,stopped walking,leaned down and pulled me into the second kiss of the day. "Why wouldn't I want to stay with you, but are you sure your parents would let you?" 

I pulled out my phone,"i'll call them then," after a conversation with my parents, and making rules, they agreed and said they will talk with the office.

Another time skip bc im lazy af( Lunch)

No ones POV:

10 horny teens sat near the cherry blossom tree, waiting for something to be announced by Jotaro and Kakyoin...

Yes i end it here for now, just so you guys know i'm making another jotakak book called the egypt lovers.bye

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