3. face to face

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"but why?" she whined. she hated wearing the stupid shell top. they made it as simple as possible to get her to wear it. literally just two shells and something to tie it in the back.

but she could not stand it. she hated feeling confined like that. and whenever she leaned against something, the outline of the shells dug in painfully like they were now.

"they want to come meet you soon. i'm just feeding you and they are exploring until everyone's done and you're ready" he explained lazily. he just felt awkward with her topless.

"please! just for while they're gone. please. it hurts, i don't like it. there's total privacy up here!" she begged, drawing out her words.

he finally gave in. with a blush on his cheeks he helped her remove the item. she sighed in relief when she was free.

"so much better" she smiled, cupping her breasts in her hands.

"yah, you better eat now" seokjin mumbled. 'how is she so carefree with her boobs? i mean she is a mermaid, but she had to wear a top at the old place, so why did she insist on not wearing one here?' seokjin thought. 'maybe i'm just too lenient with her'

she asked to take it off constantly, but usually it was a no because a bunch of employees and people were there. that wasn't a valid reason this time though because it was closed.

she stopped what she was doing and yanked the sandwich out of his hands. chest on full display.

"have some decency, y/n." seokjin scolded. his whole face was red by now. he turned away.

she gave him a confused look and continued eating her food. she didn't understand the concept of hiding her body. the whole human race was so confusing to her. she saw no problem being topless. in the ocean there simply were no tops at all.

"wanna massage them while i eat? they hurt" she teased slyly.

"watch your mouth young lady. that is no way to talk to your oppa" he said, embarrassed. she just laughed.

she finished her food quickly. "can i swim around in the big tank for a second before i have to put my top back on?" she pleaded.

he only agreed because he knew she wouldn't listen anyway. she would beg and beg.

he picked her up. slightly awkwardly as her bare front was flush against his chest, and placed her in the water.

"if you see any of the guys, swim back up. i don't want you to flash them" seokjin said sternly.

"fine. you know i'm stealthy though" she said cheekily.

"yea, not to taehyung, you aren't" he said and she peeked around for the other guys before swimming freely.

who was taehyung?

she swam back to the surface after about ten more minutes. "they're coming" she sang.

when seokjin took too long to walk over to get her out she teased, "hurry up before i go down there myself"

"don't you dare! i'll die if i have to hear about that from them for the rest of my life" he said and pulled her out.

he set her in the little kiddy pool and helped her put her top back on.

"i'll be right back. don't do anything stupid, 'kay, y/n/n?" he pointed at her. she nodded happily.

she sat there, bored, until she heard multiple voices coming up.

one by one seven boys came into the room. the first being seokjin.

they all greeted and introduced themselves one by one. the last one being taehyung.

so that's taehyung!

she wiggles around happily in the little pool. "hi! i'm y/n! nice to meet you!" she smiled.

"here, you guys can come sit closer if you'd like" seokjin said as he laid out a couple towels where there was water on the ground.

of course, the youngest ones ran over and sat down right in front of her, hoseok too. they all inspected her curiously as she did the same to them.

"hi y/n. you're a mermaid!" hoseok said excitedly. grinning at her with a heart smile.

she grinned back.

"pretty mermaid!" taehyung said. she blushed at this.

"pretty humans!" she giggled.

they played around. she splashed. they touched her tail. everyone did, actually. even yoongi.

who, by the way, was still shocked that he was wrong about her.

she showed them how her gils only show in the water, which they thought was very cool.

every once in a while, she would make eye contact with seokjin. mouthing the words, 'take off?' desperately as she pulled at her top.

only to receive a stern, 'no.' back from him.

at some point jimin said something that she thought was funny. she went to give him a hug, out of reflex to what she'd do to seokjin, until she heard him say,

"no y/n. i've told you this already. you will get them wet. remember?" he reminded. he didn't usually have to warn her this much but she seemed so unpredictable today.

"sorry, jinnie" she pouted.

they all cooed and awed. "she called you jinnie!" jungkook said. "how cute"

"i don't mind getting wet! can i hug her? please?" jimin asked.

"as long as you don't mind getting soaked" seokjin shrugged.

it can't be that bad.

it was that bad.

as soon as y/n shot towards him for a hug, it felt like a tsunami hit him. his clothes were completely drenched. he was just glad he got to hug the mermaid, though.

one by one, they all took turns getting soaked. she finally got to taehyung and when she did, she nuzzled her head into his neck fondly.

everyone thought it was so cute.

"woah! it's getting late!" jungkook said. they all groaned. they didn't want to go home now. jin would never let them back.

"i've gotta get her to bed. say goodbye and i'll meet you at the car" seokjin said. he had been fully in-charge all day.

they all said goodbye and left to the car.

"top off!" was the first thing she said as soon as seokjin was back in her view.


do you like it so far? i like it a lot. i'm experimenting with things i wouldn't usually put in lmao.

1059 words

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