5. not a regular day

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she woke up to someone prodding at her with a pole. she frowned and swam up.

"yah! you slept in! people will be here soon. put on your top" seokjin scolded. he had been trying to figure out how to wake her for half an hour.

"sorry jin oppa" she said sheepishly. he helped her put on her top and she quickly ate a can of tuna before the gates opened.

one by one she teased children and parents from inside the tank. it was cool to see the faces of people who had never seen someone like her before.

but she couldn't help but feel envy for those who could go wherever their heart desired. she was confined to this aquarium and though it was big, it wasn't enough.

it's not that she wants to go back to the ocean at all, she wants to be like the others. the ones with legs and feet who can walk and drive and climb on each other.

the ones who don't have to be alone in a tank.

that's what she wished for so hard. every night when seokjin left, she silently wished on  the biggest star she could see from her tank.

little did she know, the stars were fake. they were added to the ceiling to make her feel better. her wishes would never come true.

she sighed, a frown displayed on her lips. she suddenly hurt the familiar sound of seokjin's fingers tapping on the glass and she was knocked out of her daydream.

she smiled and swam over. he looked like he was hiding a concerned expression as well as giving a smile that was meant to remind her to pay attention to the viewers who were waiting patiently for her attention.

to make up for her lack of interest she smiled and put her face up to seokjin's on the glass and brushed her nose back and forth where his would be if he were a little closer.

he laughed and the children and parents cooed.

"she must be tired, sorry about that" she read off of his lips as he turned around with a smile.

more and more kids gathered around the bottom of the wall and she swam down right past their faces to give them a good view of her unfamiliar tail.

they gasped and wowed unsurprisingly and she swam further into the museum to go see other people.

things were like this all day. she would occasionally hop over into the jellyfish exhibit to surprise people but other than that, nothing happened.

usually she'd just be happy to see people but today all she could think about was her new friends. she wished she could see them more.

she wouldn't complain though, seokjin heard enough from her.

one of the other employees made a sound from above, signaling it was time for food and she waved to everyone and swam up.

"here you go" he said as he placed down a bowl of tuna and seaweed. odd mixture but yummy to her.

she took her time to eat it as she didn't want to go back down yet. fidgeting at the shells that adorned her.

the employee laughed at her antics. they all could read her like a book. she was too obvious.

when she finished he took the bowl and said "you don't have to go down right now. do so when you're ready. don't take too long though" he winked playfully. she smiled and rested at the surface on top of the big rock structures.

after about ten more minutes she sighed and forced herself back down.

the rest of the day was boring.

"seokjin!" she yelled when he walked in at the end of the day.

"what's up girly?" he smiled, crouching down in front of her.

"i'm bored. i don't know what to do. today wasn't fun" she pouted and crossed her arms on the ledge as she did often.

"i could tell. it's okay, not all days are fun. how about we listen to the little mermaid soundtrack?" he offered. he knew she would like that.

"yes! you know me so well!" she shouted.

he connected his phone to the small speaker and pressed play. she swam around at the surface gracefully and sang along to Under the Sea. the next song that played she sat on a rock for and looked out at the tops of the tanks from.

seokjin paused when he heard her voice. she sang all the time, but this time it was different.

it felt like it came straight from her heart. it wasn't playful like she always is. she was really singing.

the tune and her voice rang through his ears and he put down the supplies in his hands and sat, just listening and taking it in.

"i want to be where the people are. i want to see, want to see them dancing," she sang. she connected with this song so much. seokjin usually tried not to play it because she pretended she didn't like it but he forgot to skip it this time.

she was just trying to hide how she truly felt. now she was letting it out.

"wish i could be, part of your world. what would i give, if i could live out of these waters? what would i pay, to spend a day warm on the sand" she sang beautifully. there was no voice out there like hers.

she skipped the part about reprimanding daughters because she didn't feel like she was treated that way with her friend seokjin.

"when's it my turn? wouldn't i love, love to explore that shore up above, out of the sea.

wish i could be,

part of your world." she finished. her eyes had teared up and she was curled up on the rock sadly. she had forgotten seokjin was even there.

although it was a cliche scenario, seokjin couldn't help but feel his heartstrings being pulled at the sight.

they sat there for a long time. seokjin looking and thinking and y/n slowly drifting off into a sad slumber.


ok how could i not include that song i mean come on hehe

1038 words

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