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it was back to sunday already. the young mermaid had forced herself to regain composure since she so desperately needed attention from anyone besides myungdae.

though, he did ease up on her. she decided to give in, after all.

"i won't feed you. you can do it yourself." he sighed, placing the food in front of her.

"oh, come on. i've been so good!" she tried to counter. swishing around in the water happily as her tail had fully healed already; which she was thankful for. myungdae sure knew what to do in the long-run.

eventually she just ate up her food by herself. what was the point in arguing anymore? she knew she would just get a stern lecture from the young man.

"you know, it may not seem like it but i'm proud of you. don't ever lash out like that again though. i'll send in the big guns." he half-joked.

"but you are the big guns, myungdae." she reminded.

"the even bigger guns, i mean."

her eyes widened at the thought but she nodded. no more bad mermaid. or else, the bigger guns.

"i've got to go run some errands, i hope you will be fine here, yea?" myungdae said as he picked up some of his stuff.

"you're leaving me alone?" she pouted.

"when did you grow so fond of me?" he laughed.

"i didn't."

"yea, well i think you'll like your company." he smirked before closing the door behind him.

a mere few minutes passed until the door opened once again.

"y/n! i've missed you!" he yelled excitedly, running over to sit next to where she swam.

"taehyung! what are you doing here? shouldn't you be at home? where's seokjin?" the mermaid questioned. she never thought taehyung would be the first person she would see after her week of torment.

"are you not excited to see me?" he said cheekily, knowing the answer already.

"oh, of course i am!" she smiled, throwing her arms around his thin waist. "i've missed you so much!" she squeezed tightly.

he wrapped his arms around her as well and laughed. suddenly, he felt something tug at the back of his neck, pulling him closer.

"t-taehyung. what are you doing?" she blushed. there could only be one reason for him to be inches away from her face like this.

she felt cold metal press against her neck and looked down to see the unfinished pendant around his neck seemingly attracted to her like a magnet.

"what's this?" she asked, confused.

"oh! i found it at the beach. it's so weird, don't think i'm crazy or anything, but it's been acting so weird- ah. that's a strange way to describe a necklace." he muttered, scratching his head confusedly.

"i think it's beautiful! it sure is acting strange. why is it moving toward me?" she said. she backed away a little but the necklace only yanked taehyung further.


taehyung lost his balance as the pendant tugged at him and his body collided with hers, sending them them both a couple of feet under the water.

his eyes closed tight as he held his cheeks full of air. the pendant only continued to pull his body towards her as she sat there, mouth agape.

flashbacks of his time at the beach, under the waves, resurfaced as the familiar feeling of water engulfed his senses.

he opened his eyes when he realized what was going on. he moved his hands quickly, tugging the necklace off of him and clasping it behind her neck before swimming up to the surface, needing air very badly.

he panted above the water as he kept himself afloat, marveling at the dim light that radiated off of the necklace for just a second.

"taehyung!" she gasped as she, too, reached the surface. "what the hell was that?"

"i told you! it's so weird!" he breathed out, attempting to brush his wet locks away from his eyes, nearly stunned.

she studied the empty pendant on her neck for a moment before realization hit her.

"you're in the tank! we have to get you out. myungdae will kill me if he has to clean the algae all night!" she panicked, helping him out of the water.

after the panick of getting him out of the tank as quickly as possible, he sat at the edge where he had been perched before, clothes soaked so much there were constant drip noises echoing through the vast area.

"anyways, i think it looks beautiful on you." he spoke up after a moment, smiling and winking.

she avoided his gaze while a flush spread across her highlighted features. "thank you, taehyung."

she swam a little closer to him, still avoiding his eye, but peaking up at him every once in a while just to see him stare back down at her.

deciding to be bold, she reached up for a hug, only to feel his soft lips collide with hers instead. she let out a noise of surprise, she had never kissed anyone before!

from remembering what seokjin had once taught her, she closed her eyes and leaned in a little bit. in a moment he had backed away from the peck to admire the surprised look on her face before leaning in again.

their lips danced, this time more firmly as they had both gained just a little bit of confidence.

he leaned in further and prodded his tongue at her bottom lip, and she slightly parted her plump ones to allow his tongue in to come in brief contact with hers. (literally everyone has read the same exact snog scene in some sort of ff but it's so hard making it unique lmao)

she hooked her arms around his shoulders when she felt his hand running up and down her back.

even though it had seemed like an eternity, she wanted more. who knew kissing could feel this good?

apparently seokjin. he had told many tales of hookups with girls, much to y/n's confusion. he had tried to explain the feeling of bliss to her before but she simply couldn't grasp it.

now she could, it was bliss that she was feeling in this exact moment. she would have to tell seokjin about that.

soon enough, their lips parted and they both panted, desperately needing the oxygen that they finally received.

"wow." taehyung said.

"wow is right." a voice said from the door. they both looked up in panick. taehyung quickly pulled away and y/n did the same, retracting her arms.

"seokjin!" they said in unison, but in very different tones of voice.


a hoe finally updated.

i'm sorry it took so long i had ap tests and cheer tryout stuff (i made varsity by the way woop woop!) and i finally wrote some stuff 😎😎 now give me attention pls

anyways i decided to treat my babies with a make-out scene, ya pervs. ignore the fact that it was already part of the plan and that it sucked lmao

n e ways ily guys. stay pretty 💖✨🌈🧚🏻🥺

1183 words

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