6. the talk

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seokjin got ready to leave. it was super late and the guys wouldn't stop texting him.

'i can't leave her on there, she will dry up through the night' he thought to himself. he decided to nudge her awake. riskily reaching over a couple feet of water to reach her.

"wake up, y/n, you need to go to your bed" he reminded her. she grumbled to herself.

"but i wanna stay above the water" she complained tiredly.

"i'm sorry but you can't do that. at least not tonight. you will dry up and get sick. we can't let you get sick, it's dangerous for the other fish. i can't stay tonight to pour water on you. i've got to go" he explained.

"fine" she said and went to swim back down. she stopped halfway and swam back up.

"can i be human seokjin? can you make me
human?" she questioned suddenly and hopefully. for some reason her full trust was in this worker boy who she had grown close to. she for some reason believed he had the answers.

he had a confused expression. "i'm just a normal guy, y/n. i don't have any powers or anything. i don't even know if that's possible" he said, though regretted it when he saw the sadness on her face.

"maybe some time we might figure it out. don't get your hopes up. it's probably not going to happen. but some day there might be that kind of technology" he said optimistically.

she didn't like that answer because she wanted to be human now, but sighed and smiled back anyway.

"i wish i could be like you. i'm so jealous that you get to have legs and you can go wherever you want. you can do so many things"

"yea, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. human lives are complicated. they are very hard. i'm jealous you get to swim around and be pretty all day" he explained, trying to make her feel a little better. he wasn't very good at it sometimes.

"i mean i guess. i just want to hug people and dance and look at my legs. i want to go run up to people whenever and just tackle them and give them love, you know, without this tail in the way" she said sheepishly as she peered up at him.

"i get it. i would do something for you if i could. i promise. but right now those resources don't exist" he frowned.

"yea, i know. thanks anyways jin. you're the best." she said as she yawned. she didn't know how to feel about her dreams being shut down.

"let's get you ready for bed. it's really late" seokjin said and helped her with everything she needed to do. like clean her teeth and brush her hair and put the godforsaken top away.

she smiled up at him and tonight she smooched his forehead instead. it was her way of showing gratefulness.

"goodnight, y/n" he waved.

"goodnight, seokjin" she smiled.

she swam to her bed and curled up. only letting a few tears mix with the water when she was sure he had left.

what a life this was.

she knew there was a resource out there, there had to be. there had to be a way for her to get her legs. she would do anything.

when she was younger and still with her school of mermaids, her mother would tell stories of mermaids betraying their families and becoming humans to go live on land. she spoke of them so poorly. y/n didn't see anything wrong with it. so what if she wanted to be human? she had always wanted it.

in the meantime. she would focus on her friends. and her new 'crush' as seokjin called it.


she gets to see him tomorrow!

she swam out of the water, looking up and expecting seokjin.

"hi!" she heard, right in her face.

"t-taehyung?" she gaped. he was as handsome as ever. glowing. it was surreal.

he was wearing an emerald pendant on his neck. it was gorgeous as the reflection of the water glistened on it and him.

"what are you doing here?" she asked, surprised, but not disappointed. obviously.

"i'm here for you! i snuck in. i shouldn't be here at this hour but i missed you. ah, i found something for you at the beach!" he says excitedly.

he takes off the pendant and gracefully placed it around her neck.

he gets closer to her so he can clasp it on the back.

his breath fans over her face. his beautiful face right up to hers. what was this feeling? this feeling in her tummy that wouldn't go away.

a blush rose to her cheeks when he smirked at her. she wanted to lunge out of the water and attack him in kisses. she was too shy to, though.

she just muttered a quiet 'thank you' as he backed away. a breath she didn't know she was holding was let out.

he chuckled at this and placed his hand on her cheek. "pretty"

his thumb grazed over her plump and rosy skin. she flinched a little as it tickled. a laugh escaped her.

she quieted down again as she realized taehyung had a serious expression on his face. what was that for?

slowly but surely, he came closer. she, again, felt his breath on her face as she looked at his lips. was this happening?


ok i'm so sorry it took me forever to get tae in there i just had a lot of seokjin moments that will be less of later on. i just felt like it was important to show how close him and her are as of now in the story.

i have a really cool idea coming with some parts of this chapter included. i hope you like the book! i will update more this weekend.

sorry i kinda lagged i've been doing my online schoolwork and i went to the beach all day yesterday and now i'm burnt to a crisp 3: i'll be staying home for a couple days bc i don't want to irritate my sunburn any more so, more chapters!! i'm hoping to finish off You're My Person by the end of next week. go read that if you havent.

anyways, goodbye! ily!

1065 words

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