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before we begin:
(F/n) =  first name
(L/n) = last name
(H/c) = hair colour
(H/l) = hair length
(E/c) = eye colour

figured yall would need that.
some of this don't pop up til later but its still good to know


"Alright recruits, line up single-file at the front," Mr. Smith orders. The tall blonde man gives us a smile as all the new Scouts line up at the front of his classroom.

"First things first, we should introduce ourselves. Just your name and class should be fine. I'll go first." He turns to the rest of the room as if he were also a new recruit. "I am Mr. Erwin Smith. I teach history and am commander of the Scouting Legion." He then motions to the girl next to him.

"Sasha Braus, grade 10."

"Jean Kirstein, grade 10."

"(F/n) (L/n), grade 10."

"Bertoldt Hoover..."

I zone out for a bit. There are only about 15 of us but again, I did not get enough sleep. I know most of these people anyway. Seems like we're all in the same class.

I'm suddenly elbowed in the ribs by Eren next to me.

"Oh, uh, Armin Arlert, grade 10."

I see a red-headed upperclassman seated at the front giggle and whisper. She's just close enough for me to make out "We'll never make it if they're so distracted."

My face heats up and I look towards my feet as I wait for the last few recruits to finish introducing themselves.

"Alright! We can spend the rest of our time getting to know our Scout veterans. You'll be released to go to homeroom at 7:25." Mr. Smith returns to his desk to finish putting in grades or whatever teacher things he's doing.

I immediately go to the red-head. She widens her eyes before putting on a sweet looking smile.

"Hi! I'm Petra. I'm in the elite squad."


"Okay, you are all dismissed," Mr. Smith voice cuts through the classroom. "Have a good day and I'll see you at 4 for orientation."

Upon hearing this, I gather my things and stand, ready to go to my locker. 

"Hey! Armin, right?" 

I turn to see a girl with (h/c) hair smiling at me.

"Oh yeah. Hi. (F/n)?"

"That's me! I'm having a little get together after orientation so everybody can be friends and all that jazz." She turns away slightly before adding, "I think you should come. I'm inviting all the recruits and a few upperclassmen."

"Oh, that sounds nice. I'll check with my friends." I turn to walk off again before stopping.

"Hey, if you haven't already invited them, join us for lunch?"

She beams at me and nods.

"Cool, I'll see you then."

I walk off finally, leaving to go to my locker and drop off the books I don't need.


I pull out my phone and start messaging YL.

I pull out my phone and start messaging YL

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