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content/trigger warning: insinuations of depression/ptsd, mild gore


Eren's POV

"Armin's not coming to school today."

I take my toothbrush out of my mouth for a second.

"Wait, why not? It's our first real day."

"Code 'P'." Mikasa shuffles through the cabinet, probably looking for her brush.

Code P.

That's the code we came up with whenever Armin started thinking too much about his parents for his own good. My face goes soft, realizing this time is probably a lot worse. He's never missed school before.

"Are we still stopping by his house before we leave?" I ask, rinsing my mouth out and setting my toothbrush to the side.

Mikasa grabs my toothbrush and puts it in its spot in cabinet, much to my annoyance.

"I don't see why not," she answers, turning her head to me. "You know how your mother gets when you leave your stuff out." 

She must've noticed she ticked me off slightly, but that was a valid point.

"Do you wanna invite (F/n) to lunch? She was pretty cool yesterday," I say, changing the subject. She nods and smiles, bringing out her phone and, presumably, sending a message to the previously-stated female. She then shuts it off and starts brushing her short black hair. I smile at the sight.

"You know, I'm glad you started living with me," I state, causing her to pause and look at me in question.

"You're one of my best friends and I know I get difficult, but I do appreciate you."

She gives a sweet smile and turns away. I take it as thanks and continue getting my things together for school.



Armin's bedroom door was closed, which was unusual for him. I crack it open and peek in, noticing the blonde looking up at the ceiling, hugging a worn-down stuffed dog.

"Hey Ar'," I say, prompting a tiny high-pitched grunt from the smaller male. Mikasa and I walk in to kneel beside his bed. Apon getting closer, I realize his eyes are red and puffy though his face is stuck in a stoic expression. 

"It's bad today, huh?" I ask quietly, brushing my hand through my best friend's hair. His eyes go half-lidded at the touch, expressing exhaustion.

"Have you been taking your medicine?" Mikasa asks, going through his desk drawers to find it. She lifts the bottle and shakes it.

"Armin, it's dusty. When was the last time you even opened this thing?"

He turns to face the wall, seemingly ignoring the question.

"Hey buddy, you need to take care of yourself," I state, brushing his hair towards me and away from his face. A pit grows in my stomach as I notice him staring wide-eyed at the wall suddenly. I shake him to snap out of it and he looks up at me.

"Take your medicine, Ar'. It'll help this go away." I take the bottle from Mikasa and give it to Armin, who sits up and opens the bottle.

"That's a good boy," I say with a smile, watching him close the bottle after taking it. 

"We have to go now," Mikasa deadpans, eyeing Armin's old alarm clock. She walks over and plants a motherly kiss on the top of his head, me following suit. We go to leave and just before I close the door again, I hear him speak for the first time this morning.

Love, Armin - Armin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now