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the whole family
had gathered
in renesmee's room,
having heard
her cries
for help.

at the hurtful words
was too much
for some,
as bella and rosalie
shed vampire tears.
how could this happen
to renesmee of all people?
with what had she deserved it?

that night,
an important decision
had been made:
renesmee was grounded - 
she could not use her phone
or social media
until the family
deemed she was fully ready
to do so.
she needed to take care
of herself first,
to learn to love herself
and to not rely
on others' opinions.
perhaps that would help her
start playing the piano,
reading books
and hiking with her family

"you have to
d e l e t e 
your account."

didn't dare
to utter
any words.

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