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she decided
to post
her very first

she had taken her social media account
more seriously.
she wanted to get
more recognition
like her friends.

she had decided to spend the day
with her grandfather and his wife
and watch football with them.
seth and leah were also there.
they had instagram too.
perhaps they could give her
some tips?

"you know what?
we can go to la push
and I'll take some photos
of you," leah suggested.
renesmee loved the idea.
she could learn a thing or two.

jacob chuckled,
thinking how cute she was
in her denim overalls.
he loved that
despite the hatred she got,
she didn't want to give up
on being herself.

not yet.

for the first time
in a while,
renesmee was truly
enjoying herself
with her relatives
and her friends.
she felt
h o p e f u l ,
something that had been
foreign to her for a while.

@/renesmeecullen posted a new story:

@/renesmeecullen posted a new story:

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it was a mistake.

hours after she uploaded
the photo from her grandpa charlie's,
hate flooded through her dm's.
offensive words,
ever slurs.

that night,
for the first time,
renesmee shed tears
until she fell asleep.

Social Media [RENESMEE CULLEN]Where stories live. Discover now