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My plane was a landing and i was taking out my phone and car keys to be ready.

I texted the guys ill be there in a couple of minutes and went to look for my bag.

Zach's p.o.v

I paid the uber, got out, and ran inside the airport. Her plane already landed and i wondered if i was too late.

Until i finally saw her long black hair.

Mia's p.o.v

"Mia" i heard behind me.

It couldnt be the guys, we agreed that id go to their house. They probably werent calling me. I ignored the call and continued to look for my bag.

"Mia" i heard again. But this time i turned around.

It was zach.

He was running towards me. I thought he was mad because i didnt tell him i was coming home. He never answered my letters, i never got his permission. But i had to come back i live here.

I stood still as he walked closer.

"Zach What are you doing here?" I asked

He didnt answer he just stood there

"Im sorry i came back, i had to this is my home, but if you want ill go back just give me time to buy another ticket and pack new clothes." I said

He still didnt answer, instead he moved closer to me. He placed his hand on my cheek and slowly pushed back my hair. I placed my hand on his arm confused on what he was doing. He took a step forward and put his other hand on my waist. He slowly pulled me in, not moving his hands. As i stood there, still confused, he leaned in. And our lips finally touched. They moved as if they were made for each other. Now both of his hands were around on my waist and i wrapped mine around his neck. I began to pull away and he took a hold of my chin and pulled me back in. We both pulled away and he rested his forhead on mine, giving me a small peck.

"After 4 tries we finally got our moment" he whispered.

"So I guess i was right. You read the letters today?" I said

"I did, sorry" he said lifting his head

"Sorry for what, you didnt do anything, im the one who screwed up im sorry." I said

"I pushed you away, when you did nothing wrong. I read the letters and i understand i think i would have done the same. But I'll never forgive myself for the pain that i caused you. Mia you are the only thing in my mind. And i tried to take you out and i couldnt. No matter what i did, i couldnt. I pushed away my feelings for you because i thought if i got close youd lie again. But thats not i what i need to worry about. Because you didnt lie to me, sky did. Everything that sky did i blamed it on you. It seemed easier than blaming myself for not seeing it." He ssid grabbing a hold of my hands.

"Its ok, i didnt think i was capable of loving or being loved, but the day that i met you, i knew something was going to happen" i laughed.  "And im glad it did, everything that has happened has bought us to this moment, our first kiss. I wouldnt change that for the world." I finished

"Is that your bag?" He asked, it was the only one left.

"Yeah" i laughed and grabbed it.

He took it away from my hands and put one arm over my shoulders.

"And about those songs, i cant wait to hear you sing them." He said as we got in my car.

"Does that mean i can release them." I asked

"Youd be crazy if you didnt." He laughed

The whole way to the why don't we house. We laughed and told stories form the past 5 months.

voice~Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now