Trojan Horse

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Trojan Horse

Masquerading in falsehooded flaws,
My falsetto sings of broken chords.
A tainted tongue, spilling lies,
Spilling a truth that isn't mine.
Breathing out a psychological fire,
Burning those who don't know
I'm a pathological liar.
I don't get it either.
Complaining of phantom pain
That I've conjured up in my tragedian brain.
Not even I know that I am insane.
Ruminating on past trauma,
Aiming to give it at voice.
It screams over my shoulder
And I complain of a ringing in my ear.
I've created this monster,
I've fed this fear,
And I'll mimic my crocodile tears,
Falling and crawling under the covers
Of a false precedent,
Of an imaginary lover,
Of a made-up heartbreak,
And a loving mother
Claimed to be abusive
By a delusional daughter.
So don't mistake me for a saint
For I am no angel, but a fake.
I am the serpent, I am the snake.

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