The third terror twin- Nikki sixx

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Sophie POV
I'm used to being called a groupie now. The first time it shocked me and ended up with the real groupies head being smashed into a brick wall but now I don't mind it. I have black hair and dress like I'm going to a heavy metal concert but somehow I look like a groupie. My locks aren't polyester I promise you neither are my lips or tits plastic. The only thing that is fake are the markings on my skin put there by a needle loaded with skin friendly ink. As far as you can be concerned I'm Vince Neil's twin. We used to be identical but I didn't want to stay looking like a thot unlike my idiot brother so I changed everything. And now I'm known as the third terror twin or sometimes as the fiancée to Nikki sixx.

Now I may be the twin to vince Neil but I'm worse than he is. Just like my fiancé I flatlined for a solid 5 minutes until Nikki stormed into the ambulance and stabbed my heart with 3 adrenaline needles. I was then carried out bridal style by Nikki into the car and driven to the Mötley mansion where I got severely told off by my brother and Mick. I guess in a way I am like my brother, I drink to much, do drugs to much and I am a total diva and have a weird obsession over leather pants our significant others gift us with. But once again I didn't get mine taken away by my ex when she caught me shagging another chick in the back of the whiskey.

Before meeting the motley boys I always stuck out like a sore thumb at Vince's gigs with his old cover band. Everyone else would wear bikinis or cute mini skirts and crop tops that showed off way to much under boob. Nope I wore band T-shirt's leather jackets and skinny jeans. It was black on black all day every day and nothing changed that. I even decided I'm wearing black to my wedding. My personality is completely different as well. I was caught stream lining down the halls of the hotel naked with tommy screaming and banging on doors. Then I helped throw the tv onto the old dudes car and stole back our stash of coke that doc took off us. I was more like the daughter to mick and the sister to tommy and Vince and the lover to Nikki than anything else. The group was my family seeing as mine and Vince's disowned us. I played my music to loud and Vince always beat up our moms new boy toy when he laid a hand on me. At the first opportunity we got we jumped into the back of a van and hit the road to the infamous sunset strip. Our home was with motley not with our mom with her revolving wheel of abusive boyfriends.

Oop and another chapter enjoy peeps keep the requests comin in

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