Sophie POV
So. Apparently my idiot brother needs more booze for his party. So I hopped into the back of his corvette with him and his mate Razzle. We arrived at the 7/11 where we grabbed cases of beer and bottles of jack and whatever alcoholic beverage they deemed fit.It was clear we were all hammered especially my brother and I. I tried to get vince to focus on the road instead of this idiotic question he asked Raz. "Cyndi lauper or boy George?" Vince asked "how about neither" Razzle said "Good choice Raz. Vince concentrate on the fucking road." I said "Your sisters got a point mate." He said. "Just fucking pick one." "Well I might have to go with lauper, atleast she has the proper plumbing. But wait Georgie boy has better knowledge at the handling of the penis." With that we all burst out laughing until vince smashed into the side of a incoming truck. "VINCE!" I screamed as we flipped I saw Razzle fall back into Vince's lap and I hit my head on the back seat passing out.
Time skip
I woke up to blinding hospital lights and a continuous beeping sound. I groaned sitting up and immediatley I heard gasps. "Sophie!" Came the voice of my brother. I groaned again looking down at my arms to see tubes coming out of me "What?" I mumbled "I'll go get a doctor." The unmistakable voice of mick came. There was a high pitch beeping noise going off in my head and dark spots splatted my vision I blinked ferociously trying to get them to disappear to no avail. "Where's Raz?" I asked thinking I would have seen him
Or atleast heard him. "Soph..." Tommy started sadly 'Or wait more importantly where is my husband?" I asked "look you've been in a coma for 4 months." Vince said "Look soph let me explain everything ok." Tommy said just as he was going to start explaining Mick walked back in with a doctor. "Alright Mrs Sixx how are you feeling?" He asked me "like someone's whacked me round the head with a 200lb hammer and blared a horn of white noise down my ears." I described "Well mrs sixx you did hit your head pretty hard in the crash. A fair amount of damage happened. You've broken you leg and your arm cracked several ribs and I'm sorry to say but your baby didn't make it." "Baby?!?!" The boys asked but I couldn't hear anything apart from my own breathing. I lost the baby... I lost mine and nikkis baby. Unconsciously my hand trailed down to my stomach and I rubbed it like I did in secret while around the boys apart from Nikki of course.The doctor left the room and I burst out into loud sobs. Tommy was the first to hop up and hug me then I noticed vince leave the room with his phone. "Sophie skylar died as well while you were out." Mick explained to me which made me cry harder. After a solid 10 minutes of crying I calmed myself down cuddled into Tommy's chest as he sat on the bed next to me we could hear vince shouting at someone he muttered one last thing and walked back into the room "That was Nikki." He said I sat up straighter "and?" I asked quietly my voice cracking "he's on his way."
"I'm sorry about skylar Vinnie" I said he just nodded "She loved you Sophie." He said his voice cracking "I guess the Neil twins aren't lucky in children" I whispered he just shook his head "Soph let me explain everything to you." Tommy said "Nikki had a heroin addiction. He overdosed and flatlined for 2 minutes." He explained "Razzle died in the crash." "Skylar as you know died." "And now your baby is gone." He said. It wasn't even computing in my brain. Nikki overdosed but is apparently clean now along with the rest of the band, my 4 year old niece is dead, my 5 month old baby is dead, Razzle is dead. Why is everyone dying and it's happening when only Vince and I are concerned. We are well and truly the most unlucky people ever. Just as that thought left my mind Nikki burst into my room his face pale and breathless. My head snapped up and I started crying again he walked over and held me in my arms as we both cried. The other boys left as mick ushered them out closing the door behind them.
"She's dead Nikki. Gone just like skylar and Raz." I whispered into his shoulder "I could have lost you to. Why the hell did you go and get yourself stuck in a heroin addiction you daft twat." I said gripping onto him tighter as if he was about to slip my grasp "I'm sorry. Everything happened to quick. You going into a coma, Raz dying on Vince's account." He said his voice cracking where he was crying so much. "And now my baby is dead. I never even got to meet her neither of us did." "I know baby it sucks life ultimately sucks but I can't loose you as well. Stay away from needles unless u need them." "I promise" he whispered
Oof this has taken me all day hope u enjoy stay safe ❤️🖤🤘🏼

𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖑𝖊𝖞 𝕮𝖗𝖚𝖊 𝕴𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘
FanfictionJust some imagines of the boys who took over the sunset strip.