Snake-Nikki Sixx

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Sophie POV
You would think being the identical twin sister to Slash I would atleast have a different personality. Ha nope. Identical in just about everything just not our gender or shoe size. We have the same hair, likes and dislikes, play the same instrument, same personality, same addictions and just about everything else. One difference he isn't engaged to Nikki Sixx unlike me.

I was at the bar with Mötley and Guns and to say the least we were all hammered. Our bill must be so high by now it must of reached into thousands. I was sat on one side of the booth with Nikki and Saul either side of me. Big brother and fiancé they were like my own body guards, when one wasn't around the other stepped in. And duff said it was time he be getting home and everyone else followed suit. Me and Nikki and Saul walked round to the back of the rainbow when I noticed a large looking box. I walked over opening it and found 5 baby snakes and what presumably was the mother. "Saul, Nikki look." I called they came over and looked into the box. Just like my brother I had a deep connection with these animals. When we lived in Britain for the first part of our lives we didn't see many only when we went into pet stores as a treat with our grandma but once we moved to the states we found them in our back yard quite often and we adopted them as our pets. Most of them died but my brother still has two, Clive and Danny.

"Nikki please can we take a few home. I haven't had a snake since I was a kid." I begged pouting knowing that was my fiancé's weakness. To be fair Nikki hated snakes so I doubt he would allow them but it shocked me when he said "Yeha sure." I don't if he only said that because he was drunk but I didn't care "Slashy you gonna take one?" I asked he just nodded. I grabbed the box cooeing at the snakes like a mother would her child and placed the box in the back seat next to slash as I sat in the front next to the taxi guy.

We arrived home and I grabbed a few things from the fridge and took the snakes out into the smallest room in the house I found an old cage we had for out old snake from when I was a child and put my hand into the box grabbing the mother first "hello." I cooed lightly stroking its head as she wrapped herself around my arm "Slashy what breed do you reckon they are?" I asked "Ball python look at the detail." He replied I looked over to see Nikki with one of the babies it made my heart melt at the sight.

Been working on this for ages and it's still rubbish oh well. Thanks for 1k reads stay safe and keep on rocking love ya dudes ❤️

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