Chapter one-moving again

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Damien's POV
We moved a much I couldn't count, I remember when we moved last..I was just 16, I had to leave my best friends, my crush who I was probably never going to admit my feelings too and my old house which held so many memories..I was brought out of my thoughts when my mum's voice got louder "Damien please open the can't keep locking yourself in your room everytime we're about to move and besides your dad's waiting in the car, I promise this is the last time we'll move" yeah right...I was used to her lying already so I ignored her...

I was about to put on my headphones so I wouldn't hear her "promises" but then I remembered the last interaction I had with my older brother Cole..God I loved that boy..I could still remember his words clearly "everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about lil kind always"
Sometimes I hated him for being so understanding..with that I opened the door and gave my mum a big hug..only God knows what battle she must've been going through, I was just being self-centered, selfish or whatever you wanna call it..

I took my most important things which were my phone and my charger since my bags were already in the car..looks like my mum knew I would've to open the door sooner or later so she packed my bags for me..
I entered the car, sat in the front seat with my old man..he gave me a knowing smile, somehow I think I understood it..My Dad kept telling me stories about his life as a teen in the car cause he knew I got bored easily, surprisingly the old man's life was pretty cool "and that's how I first met your mum, she was a pretty tough but to crack" I couldn't help but laugh at the stories and soon enough we finally arrived..all the way from Midland Texas to Los Angeles.."wow"

The house was pretty great I couldn't deny Mum and Dad went to bed, I don't blame them..the trip was pretty stressful especially since my Dad kept telling stories..
I finally found my bedroom and crashed on it.. everything was perfect, the house was great, the neighbours didn't look creepy, there was a great field in the backyard.."just perfect"

I was about to drift to my dreams where everything was more perfect than reality until my Mum called "Damien don't forget you have school tomorrow" then I thought..OMG I forgot I was starting a new school

Goddamit Damien..I knew I forgot something.. school, as much as I hated starting a new school..I loved learning.."straight A student since kindergarten"my mum always bragged to her friends and believe me I was proud of it..I took all the jotters I needed, put them in my back pack and went straight to wasn't that late just 5:30pm but damn I was fucking tired..

My alark clock rang...I stopped it, got right up and went about with my daily activities..
I brushed my teeth, then ate breakfast, bathed, wore a shirt with blue denim trousers and I combed my dark hair..and believe me I loved playing with my hair..

I got in the car with my mum and she drove me to school which I found out was called Hiddenville high immediately I stepped out of the car..I stared at the large building for a couple of minutes before I was shaken out if my trance by a football that hit me on my head..I wasn't an athlete so of course I fell down
I stood up looked back and said these words I never knew I could say in a sentence

"Who the fuck threw that ball"

Author's note: If you're reading..thanks for reading, sorry if it's a little's my first time doing this😹
Hope you had fun reading.. Don't forget to vote😉
See ya🏃🏻‍♀️

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