Chapter 10- jocks and nerds!

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Daniella's POV

"She's not moving" I heard someone whisper softly What?! Why would I be moving "Mom is she okay? " I recognized the voice as Jonathan's own, of course, I am. I quickly opened my eyes and I was greeted with this very bright light, I shut it immediately.

This people have to stop watching me sleep, it's super cree- " Honey, talk to me. First time we heard you scream in the bathroom, now, today." I opened my eyes, squinting them a little to look at her, "I'm fine"

"No you're not, are you having those nightmares again? " She looked like she was inspecting something. Did I? Yeah I did.

"Honey, you draw?" She asked picking up my sketch pad, I should have at least hid it under my pillow, before falling asleep, stupid me.

"Uhm... Yeah?" Unsure of what to say when apparently she already knew, I saw her staring at the drawing with unshed tears in her eyes.

When she returned my sketch pad, I put it under my pillow before sitting up, clearly adjusted to the light. Only then did I realize my hair was sticking to my forehead, I was really sweating. Those nightmares.

"I think I need a shower" I stood up and left for the bathroom, when I was done with my business, it was just 2am, Nie was asleep and I was a hundred percent sure, every other person was until I saw Aunt Sam come into the room.

"Hey.... Uhm.. You hungry" No!

I was almost screaming, I saw Nie flinch from the bed, sorry Nie. Aunt and I went downstairs, we ate ice cream and cake and lots of chocolate chip cookies while talking about random stuff.

I was getting comfortable with the conversation until... "Honey, if you are still having the nightmares, we could see the therapist, you know.. "

"Seriously, I said I'm fine" I turned to leave to the room but then I couldn't just leave like that, so I turned back, took the rest of the chocolate chip cookies and left finally. Hearing Aunt Sam giggle behind me.

"Yo! " I heard T call out while I was trying to get my helmet off
"How are you?"
"I'm good,! I've just been imagining you and that 'creepy nerd boy'" she said that,making the air quote really really annoying if that was even possible.
"Is it just me or are you two now leaving me out?" Edith joined us, looking at us weirdly
"Good morning to you too" T replied Edith, imitating the look Edith had previously. Girls!!

We walked into school,expecting the eyes to be on us but they were looking behind us. What!? I looked back and I saw the jocks of the school walking behind us.

Dash was smirking at me and I almost wanted to smash his head on the nearest locker, instead I turned my attention back to the girls who were busy gushing about how hot Solomon was.

I could tell she was screaming internally from the look on her face. Girls!! "His eyes are so blue and his hair, looks so soft, only if he could just let me feel it under my-" I cut her off

"T? Seriously? He's like right behind you " she just shrugged and I couldn't help but smile. I once thought she had a crush on him tho, maybe she still does anyway.

After she summoned enough courage to face him,we all did too. When I met with Damon's eyes.

I turned to meet  him in a white plain tee,(that were extra tight on him, I wondered if he could breathe, his toned muscles were really obvious under the tee, why is he so fineeeee) blue jeans and white converse. "Hey Dash" I gave him my best smirk and he returned it with his signature smirk. From the corner of my eye, I saw Taya smiling so widely, I could have bet that her mouth could tear.

"Hey Daniella" I saw Damon smile widely too, maybe even worse than Taya's. They could be couples.
"Yo Damon! You good?" his smile almost went wider while he reddened.
"You going to answer or what?" I asked him, smirking at his red creepy face.
"Uhm.. I-it's Da-Damien... Smith... Damien Smith... My first name is Damien and my last is Smith.... just call me Damien." I didn't ask for all the info but thanks creep.
"Okay." I answered smoothly with a very fake smile, my mouth hurt. He looked at me like he wanted to say something... * Please don't say anything stuttering nerdy creep* just when he opened his mouth, the bell rang. All the students scattered while I walked with Joshua and Dash to my locker to pick my books. Taya, Solomon, Damon and Edith were already leaving for their classes.

I picked my books and zipped my bag as we started our journey to Economics class when I felt someone unzip my bag, I almost forgot I had an apple in there, stupid me. Again.

Dash was already eating my apple, I always forget how much he loved...scrap that.. I always forgot how obsessed he was with apples. Weird hottie.

"You know... my guy likes Taya" Dash started almost halfway through his apple. I pretended I didn't know what he was saying.

" Solomon, nerd boy with long hair... likes Taya, hot friend to you" He stated
"Uhm...okay. and why are you telling me?" I looked at him with the I'm-not-interested look, deep down I was.

"You might want to speak to her for him"

Taya would detach my skull my from my head(which is not possible, but she could do it) if she finds out that I know about it without telling her, so yes, I would.

"Daniella! How's your nerd crush by the way, from the way he stuttered.... "

"Hold up! The two nerds of the school are getting the hot girls " Dash turned to Joshua. "I think I wanna be a nerd too" what?! we all started laughing, why would he even think about being a nerd, well he'd be a hot nerd. Okay I have to stop adding hot to every statement related to Dash.

We already got to Economics class, we were ten minutes late but we didn't mind, we decided to go for the empty seats at the back and on our way, Dash met a girl, giving her the apple core and winking at her with a very Dash-y smile. She collected the core without a second thought..Poor girl..

A/N: I know the chapter is kinda short but I've been busy lately.. hope you enjoyed it💕
Picture above is Dash btw😉

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