Chapter 13- Smith

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Daniella's POV

"Daniella's thinking of  Damien " I heard Jonathan tease from a corner, seriously Taya and Edith mentioned his name maybe just once or twice or thrice or I don't know...They never shut up about him when we hangout and it's so unfortunate these children hear it, now I'm literally doomed cause they'll tease me till I don't know when.

"Maybe he's dreaming of her too" John replied him, what the-

"Daniella, I have to finish this project with my friend, I'll be back soon" Stephanie told me and left the house, she's still cold to me. Girls!

Wait what??? I tried to call her back, but she was already gone. How didn't I think of it, now I have to babysit these two cute human beings that don't shut up, all alone. I could as well just die instead.

Aunt Sam is out and I had to babysit the twins, trust me, it was a good thing until they started bringing up Damien in their conversation. I heard my phone beep;

Sam😑: How are my babies?
Daniella: They're okay, trust me.
Sam😑: The clients are so frustrating ,I'll be back in an hour. Love you

I didn't bother replying, I guess I have to hear Smith's name over and over again. It would have been better if it was his voice, repeating the name, it was soothing and cal- Nope! I'm not going to think about Smith's voice again, it's creepy.

Taya❤: Hey gurllllllllllll
Who on earth changed T's name on my phone?
Taya❤: Leave my contact name like that or else🤬
I rolled my eyes and was about to change the contact name,when another message came in
Taya❤: Be sensible for once, just leave it and stop rolling your eyes
I shot my head up the instant I saw it, and looked around I looked at the twins and signalled with my index finger on my lips to tell them to shut up, they did immediately and started looking around like I was *beep*
Taya❤: you seriously don't to tell someone to shut up,you're using your eyes for the search
Okay T, you got me now, so come out
Daniella: You can come out now

She knocked on the window with a stupid smile on her face. Then she got in and settled herself on the couch.

" Hey! You heard from Damien?" She asked and  the twins giggled, she winked at them and faced me back

"Hey! Good afternoon to you too" I replied her sarcastically, she was about to say something when she was interrupted by her phone ring, it was Solomon who was calling, I wriggled my brows at her as she answered

"Hey! I'm good.... What?? Oh God! How'd it happen....sorry....on my way." I heard her say to the phone, she was panicking, though I wasn't, I was just scared.

"JK was shot" What!

"He's at the hospital, I need to see him"

"Yeah...Yeah sure,totally, can't come cause of the twins. Call me?"

She nodded and left the house. My thoughts were jumbled, who would shoot JK and why and where? Since we started hanging out, I really got fond of JK and now he's shot and I don't know, I need to see him and be sure he's okay  but I can't now, these stupid twins.

I hope he's okay, he mentioned he was going out with Damien, what if he was shot too. Is Damien okay, I wanted to know but I couldn't call him, I didn't want to, he'll think I'm desperate...I just have to wait for Taya.

After 5 minutes, I got impatient and tried to call Taya but I heard her ringtone close, it was on the floor. Very good, just what I needed..T forgot her phone.

I decided to call Damien and while I was searching for his contact, I got a call from Solomon.
"Hey Daniella, Taya forgot her phone there right?"
"Yeah she did"
"Could you bring it along with you?"
"Thanks" he muttered
"Are they okay?" I asked but there was silence at the other end of the line
"Solomon?" I called calmly,  silence
"Are they freaking okay?" Still silence, I let my phone fall slowly as tears rolled down my cheeks..

A/N: well this was pretty sad eveb for me🥺I know it was short but it was hard to write something so bitter end
Stay tuned😹❤️

Btw the picture above are the twins😹

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