Chapter 2-JK?

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Damien's POV
I saw the figure standing a few feet away from me..he was smirking so I just had a gut feeling it was him unless why would he be smirking like that..I walked up to the guy but when I came close I realized he was much taller and bulkier than I..
I gulped so hard I think he heard it

"Hey I'm sorry bro, didn't mean to hit you in the head.. you okay?" when he talked, I didn't feel angry anymore..his voice was kinda soothing so I guess the anger fled..
"No's okay, I'll just go now" I was about to go when he turned me around..

"Hey I haven't seen you around here before and believe me, I know everyone" Immediately he said that, I looked at him closely now..
He had long blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a school jacket with black trousers so I realized he was a jock.. probably a football player or something..
"Earth to there"..then I realized he must've been talking to me.."yeah I'm here and I'm new.. just moved from Texas"

"I'll show you's the least I could football has a mind of it's own" he was smirking again, I realized that must've been his signature smirk he gave to woo girls or something..

"Okay jocky"

okay I know jocky is the lamest nickname ever but he called me skinny..I couldn't just let that go..he continued smirking
"It's JK" Did he mean JK for jocky or was he talking about his name..I guess he meant jocky.."JK for jocky? Really"
He smirked again.."no I'm Joshua.. Joshua Kings, my friends call me JK"

I thought to myself.."that was one hell of a coincidence"..he was laughing so I realized I said that out loud..I hate my mouth sometimes.. "well I'll call you JK then, but it stands for jocky" we both laughed..

"Okay skinny, whatever you say"

We walked the long halls together but people kept staring at us, it was really weird and girls kept giving us smirks and blowing kisses..kinda irritating I must admit
"What's up with everyone" I just had to ask..

"Ohh..he walked slowly now..I'm kinda popular around me, everyone knows my name's creepy but I got used to it..use it to my advantage now"
"Wow..why though?" he looked at me like he didn't understand my question.."I mean why are you so popular? You're just a really eyed.. football jock..with a stupid smirk" he smirked again

"Ok I get it" we both laughed

" And it doesn't hurt that my dad owns the school too"
"Ok jocky it's Damien..Damien Smith and I'm officially your friend now" we both laughed so hard everyone started staring at us..even some teachers

Jocky showed me around the school, the football field, music club, trophy cases, football mascots but I mostly loved the science lab..I mean it is my dream to be a physician some day..maybe also psychology? I dunno

Jocky kinda stuck by me throughout the whole day so my first day wasn't as stressful as I imagined it ought to be..he even sat with me during lunch and introduced me to his other football team mates..there was George, Solomon, Kevin and Dash..
For the record..they were all big

All of them..

It was 3:00pm and jocky and I weren't having classes so I forced him to sit in the library with me..for all his athletic qualities, he wasn't really the smartest guy

"So any other popular people I should watch out for jocky?" He was looking at a history book but let's say I had a gut feeling he wasn't reading it..I love my guts

"Nah..apart from me and my other team mates, some smart kids that teachers one really"

The library door just busted open then I saw her...

She was wearing a black jacket.. black boots..kinda brunette hair

"Uhmmm...jocky what about her?"

"Ohhh..skinny that's the baddest girl in this school..every guy kinda fears her..not saying I do"

"Anyways that's Daniella Russell"

"I'd just stay away from her if I were you skinny..she's not the most pleasant girl"

I just kept looking at her..then she caught me
Of course she did..I'm so dumb

"Hey you...why the hell are you looking at me like that?"

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