▪︎4 - put your hormonal little hands down

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Samara Matthews stood at her locker, she was trying to find her calc copy when she sensed the presence of a certain werewolf on the other side of her locker door. She slammed the metal door shut. Her blue-green eyes met his blue.

"You're back at school I see." Samara paused for a second before looking down at how close he was standing to the girl. "And invading my personal space, as always." She smirked at the boy.

"Not only that, I'm not a fugitive anymore." Isaac replied, choosing to ignore her second comment.

"And how did you pull that one off?" There were only a couple of minutes left before the bell would ring so she decided to stay and converse with the boy.

"He just woke up and realised that he, in fact, didn't see me and my father arguing the night of his death." The way Isaac so casually spoke about his father's death shocked her. "I also, may have told him to say that while he was paralyzed after we gave him Kanima venom."

"You did what!" The blonde whisper-shouted at the curly haired boy.

"We were testing him, to see if he was the Kanima. He wasn't the snake, just a dick." Isaac laughed. Samara shook her head in response, not understanding. "We're testing Lydia today too."

"And what are you going to do if she's the Kanima? Kill her?" The girl spat. But Isaac didn't say no, he didn't say anything. The girl's face hardened and she walked away.


"I'm not being a part of your psychotic plan to kill an innocent girl." Samara looked between the two wolves. "There's no way it's Lydia, she's harmless."

"Well if she's not it then we won't have to kill her." Erica tried to reason with the girl. She huffed in response and walked into the classroom, the two betas following after her. She sat at a table on her own, not wanting anything to do with the plan but realised that wouldn't happen when two people took a seat beside her. She looked up, Isaac and Erica smiled sweetly at the scowling girl.

"Einstein once said "two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." I myself have encountered infinite stupidity. So, to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments." Erica and Isaac turn to each other smirking.

"We do this and she's not it, it's over." Isaac whispered to the stubborn girl beside him.

"Fine." She huffed and Isaac smiled in reply.

"Erica, you'll take the first station. You'll go with..." The teacher trailed off when a bunch of hands shot up in the air, all desperate to be grouped up with the newly self-confident blonde. "I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr. McCall."

Erica and Isaac had been trying hard to get to Lydia by playing musical chairs with Scott and Stiles. I was mixing the solution in the beaker, watching as it slowly started to form into a clear crystal.

"Why are you doing this?" Scott looked at the girl he hadn't spoken to before, she was a loner, even before her parents died, she always kept to herself, he thought she liked it that way. But now that she was working with Derek he wasn't so sure.

"What's the problem if they test her and it paralyzes her? They won't kill her." She stated simply.

"And if she is?" Scott asked dumbfounded by the lack of empathy the girl had. Scott looked to Lydia and saw her holding the crystal up to her mouth while Isaac stared at her. There was a gooey substance on the hard candy.

"Lydia!" Scott yelled and stood up from his seat making the whole class turn to him.

"What?" Lydia looked at the boy like he was crazy.

"Nothing." Scott sighed as he sat back down. We all watched Lydia as she took a bite of the crystal, the strawberry blonde had no reaction to the venom that sat on the crystal. Isaac looked back at the blonde wolf and sighed.


Isaac, Erica and Samara walked through the empty school corridor, Isaac ran his claws against the metal of the lockers, leaving claw marks on the lockers. Samara smacked Isaac's hand away from the locker.

"Are you trying to get us killed?" The girl looked to him as he wore a confident smirk. She scoffed at the boy who needed to be taken down a peg.

"So that didn't work." Samara glared at Derek. "Are you really going to kill her?"

"Yes." The alpha replied with gritted teeth.

"There has to be another way I-" The Matthews girl began but Derek cut her off.

"There isn't. If there was we would take it. But, there isn't." The man sighed. "Come on, we have somewhere to be."

The five werewolves stood opposite the McCall house. They could see Allison and Stiles peaking out through the windows.

"Okay, Isaac you will go in first, through the back and stall them. Then, Erica you will take Lydia and then, we leave." Derek nodded to his betas.

"And what do we do?" Samara asked, she was worried that Isaac and Erica would hurt someone, or worse.

"We stay outside and wait. I was never going to send you in, you wouldn't kill Lydia." Derek snapped and Samara stayed quiet, knowing the older werewolf was right. He nodded to Isaac and now all they had to do was wait.

The sound of breaking glass snapped Samara out of her thoughts and when the door of the house flew open, a body was thrown out onto the front lawn, it was Isaac, then Erica. Scott, Allison and Stiles emerged from the house.

"I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me Scott." Derek spoke. "You're not an Omega, you're an alpha, of your own pack." The man paused before smiling. "But, you know you can't beat me."

"I can hold you off until the cops get here." Scott warned and the distant sound of police sirens could be heard.

Before Derek could speak a hiss was heard from above. As Samara looked up to the roof of the house, she could see the dark green scales and piercing eyes of the Kanima. The Kanima screeched before taking off into the darkness of the night. As it did so footsteps were heard, coming from the inside of Scott's house.

"Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Lydia looked to her friends who all had a look of confusion on their faces upon seeing the girl they though had just disappeared into the darkness.

"It's Jackson.


I'm trying to take the relationship with Samara and Isaac slow and kind of create this love hate relationship that forms into a friendship and then something more and it's just I have no idea how slow I want to go yet, I have a rough plan but other than that I dunno.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, more to come soon!

[ season 2 episode 5 ]

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