▪︎7 - i don't need anyone

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Samara sat at her kitchen counter, a mug of coffee in front of her. The sun was setting now so there was a cast of orange light over the house. She sat there, a lot had happened. The night of the party Scott had found out that Matt was the Kanima's master, not that that matters now because he was dead. Gerard drowned him, it's poetic really, how the reason he killed all those people was because he was drowned as a boy and because of that he became a killer which ultimately lead to his murder.

Things had changed, the dynamics had changed. The pack was torn apart, Erica and Boyd were leaving and the girl wasn't sure about Isaac.

"So this is where you sneak off to when you aren't in Derek's." Isaac Lahey startled the girl, she must have been to focused on her thoughts to hear him come in.

"I don't sneak off. I live here." The girl dead panned as the boy took a seat beside her.

"I think... I think I'm going to go with them." Isaac spoke quietly, studying the girls face for any minute change. Her lip twitched downwards, a slight frown forming.

"Okay." She spoke, not looking at the boy.

"Okay?" Isaac paused. "That's it?" Isaac chuckled bitterly when she didn't reply and stood up, ready to leave the girl alone.

"What do you want me to say? That I think you leaving is a dumb idea? That I think Scott needs you and running from your problems is never a good idea?" The girl boomed making Isaac face her with wide eyes.

"I want you to say you need me!" Isaac shook his head as he looked down at the girl.

"I don't need anyone!" Samara scoffed at the blue eyed boy.

"Now who's running from their problems." Isaac walked to the front door of the house as Samara watched him angrily. "I'll see you at the game." He sighed as he opened the front door and walked out.

Samara stared at the closed door that Isaac had just walked out of. She slammed her fists against the counter, her eyes flashing amber. A tear slipped from her eye, then another, and another, she sat at the counter as the darkness outside crept into the house slowly and cried. She let it all out.


Samara tapped her phone as she stepped out of her car. The bright screen immediately illuminates her features as she curses under her breath. She was late. The girl walked onto the pitch and looked around at the crowd, then the players, not finding the boy she was searching for. She noticed a familiar face on the field.

"Scott." She spoke under her breath, hopefully the beta would reply. "Scott, did Isaac show?"

"Jackson got him, he's in the locker room. Go." Scott uttered without looking in the girls direction, focusing more on the grandfather of the girl he loved. The blonde strode straight past the bleachers, making her way into the boys locker room.

"You showed up." The Matthews girl breathed as she saw a paralysed Isaac laying on a stretcher.

"I thought you were the one who wasn't showing." Isaac instantly recognized the girls voice, as much as he wanted to look at the girl and to apologise to her for his outburst earlier, he couldn't. All the boy could do was stare up at the ceiling. The blonde was about to speak when she was interrupted by the sound of a heart. Hearts. The girl's eyes widened as she scurried away, out of sight of the newcomers. Three men walked into the room and Samara could tell it was Gerard. So could Isaac. The boy began to pull himself further into the room as Samara closed her eyes and laboured her breathing.

"It was a good effort Isaac. It was." The man spoke with a bitter tone, the hatred hung in the air around them like a thick smoke. The sound of metal against metal rang through the room, the hunter drawing a sword. "This would be so much more poetic if it were halftime." Isaac grunted a he struggled to pull himself to his feel using the sinks. He turned around to face Gerard. A slight smirk on his face, the look made the elderly man look at Isaac in confusion.

Samara watched Isaac carefully through the gaps in the lockers, she could tell Scott McCall had walked into the room, his scent invaded the wolve's nostrils. Scott stood behind the hunters. His eyes glowing amber as he met the cold eyes of Gerard through the mirror behind Isaac.

Samara stepped out from behind the lockers her eyes flashed amber as she gave the man a toothy grin, one that showed the sharp fangs she wore. The man didn't seem surprised by the sudden arrival of the two wolves, it almost looked as if he had been expecting it.

Samara growled as the men beside Gerard loaded their guns, but they were outnumbered.  Gerard knew that, all he needed was a distraction. And, a distraction is what he got.

Scott and Samara ran at the hunters. Samara held one of the hunters by the jaw, applying pressure as she stared into his eyes. "Don't." She whispered but the man didnt listen and rose his arm up, pointing his gun at Isaac. With a huff, the girl quickly reached up to his arm, and before he could pull the trigger, she snapped the bones in his arm. The man cried out in pain as he fell to the floor. Samara looked up to see the other hunter unconscious on the floor. Scott looked to the other wolves.

"Where's Gerard?" The teenagers looked at eachother with wide eyes.

"Go!" Scott didn't give the two teenagers a second glance as he sped out of the room toward the field.

Isaac was still leaning against the sinks, slowly regaining the feeling in his legs. The blonde looked at him, she studied his face. When she had let the boy walk out of her house earlier, she didnt know if she would ever see the boy again. But she was seeing him. He stayed. The blonde attacked the curly haired boy in a hug. The girl wrapped her arms around him, pushing his further into the sinks. The boy was taken aback by the girl's sudden show of affection but wrapped his arms around her small frame anyway. Her head rested against his chest. "Thank you." She whispered quietly.

The moment was interrupted by the sound of shrieking from the lacrosse field. The two separated before sharing a look and ran out onto the field.  As Samara stepped out onto the grass the stench of fear hit her, the chemo signal invaded her senses as people screamed all around her. Her eyes were drawn to the cluster of people in the middle of the field, she ran towards them, Isaac just a step behind.

The girl looked over McCall's shoulder and gasped slightly as she saw Jackson Whitmore laying there on the grass, ruby substance stained his lacrosse jersey. The girl listened, waiting for it, waiting for the sound of his thumping heart. It never came. The three shared a look of shock.

Jackson Whitmore was dead.


Can I ship it now? Are we finally getting some character development? Yes, yes we are. I hope everyone is doing okay and I also hope you are enjoying this book. I would really appreciate it you could vote and comment if you like it. Tell me what you want to see, what you think will happen. Any criticism? I'd love to hear from you!

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