▪︎10 - i'm not leaving

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Gerard laughs maniacally as he hold his arm up for everyone to see. He doesn't notice that the blood seeping out of the wound starts to turn darker, losing the red hue blood should have. It was black.

The man notices everyone's stares, the confusion on their faces makes Gerard drop his arm, looking at it. "What?" He stares at the pitch black substance. "What is this? What did you do?"

"Everyone said Gerard always has a plan. I had a plan too." Scott reveals. Gerard instantly reached to his back pocket, he took out a small metal container.

The man stared at the pills, emptying them out into his hand. "No. No, no." He crushed the pills in his first. "Mountain ash!" Gerard dropped to his knees as black blood began to seep through his eyes, then his nose, ears. The man started tho choke. Samara lay on the floor, staring at the man in shock as the blood began pouring from his mouth and he finally dropped to the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Derek panted.

"Because you might be an alpha, but you're not mine."

"Kill them! Kill them all!" Gerard boomed. But, the Kanima didn't listen, staying put as he watched Gerard fall unconscious. The Kanima let go of Alison's neck, as soon as he did the girl elbowed him in the face. The Kanima was about to retaliate when a car crashed through the side of the metal building.

Stiles's jeep.

"Did I hit him?" Samara heard Stiles yell. Both Lydia and Stiles screamed as the Kanima jumped on the hood of the car, hissing at them. The two clambered out of the vehicle and Stiles ran to Scott but Lydia stayed with the Kanima.

"Jackson? Jackson." The lizard rose his hand up, ready to strike but stopped when his eyes zeroed in on the key Lydia held in front of him. His scales slowly started to fade and his eyes dimmed to their normal blue colour. He took the key in his hands, staring into the strawberry blonde's eyes. He took a step back and that's when Samara noticed Derek struggling to stand, he quickly ran over to Jackson, another blur of a figure emerged from the shadows. Peter Hale.

Derek and Peter both sunk their nails into the boy's abdomen. The two wolves let go of Jackson and Lydia caught him, a tearful Lydia saying goodbye to the boy. Lydia lay a lifeless Jackson down on the ground, the last of his scales fading away.

"Where's Gerard?" Alison's voice cut through the air, confused gazes fall to her as they wonder how he escaped after that.

"He can't be far."

Lydia stood and turned her back to Jackson, Stiles stepped forward to comfort the girl but stopped when he saw what was happening behind the girl. Jackson's heart started to beat again, his claws scratched against the stone floor and his eyes snapped open. The boy rose from the ground, letting out a large roar, he looked like a wolf now, not a deadly shapeshifting lizard.


"Where are you going, Derek-" The curly haired boy who sat in the passenger seat of Samara's car questioned.

"I know." She sighed. "I wanted to talk to you. And, I didn't want Derek listening in." Her response made Isaac wonder what it was she wanted to talk about, did she really want to talk or something else. Knowing who he was talking about he guessed it probably wasn't that. The girl pulled up outside her house. The lights were off as the teenagers entered the house, the house was also cold and empty.

The blonde pulled her jacket off, she sighed as she looked at the large rips on her favourite denim jacket. The girl walked up the stairs flicking the lightswitch to her bedroom. Isaac followed her up the stairs. She hadn't spoken since she had entered the house.

The boy walked into the girl's bedroom, the walls were covered in a mocha colour and the room gave off a cosy feeling, the feeling mad Isaac smile. Or maybe what made him smile was the fact that he was in Samara Matthew's bedroom, the girl he had a crush on since preschool.

"I'm sorry." She spoke quietly but Isaac heard, thanks to his heightened senses.

The boy furrowed his brows at the girl as he stared at her, she seemed nervous. "For what?"

"For what I said earlier." It felt like a lifetime ago the two had gotten in an arguement. "Or what I didn't say... I don't know. I don't normally do this." The girl gestured between the two of them.

"Do what?"

"Talk to people." The girl replied simply, and sadly. Isaac sat down on her bed, dragging her hand down so she would sit with him. "I never know what to say." The girl shook her head in embarrassment at the statement.

"Then, can I say it?" Samara stared into Isaac's blue eyes, not saying anything.  Isaac took that as a yes so he continued. "You are a good person, Samara." The girl was taken aback by how much that one sentence affected her, his words slamming against her chest, wanting to let everything out, but she couldn't.

"I don't like being alone." The girl said as she looked around her room but Isaac had a feeling she didn't just mean in her house.

"I'm not leaving." There it is again, a double meaning. Tonight, or ever? The blonde wanted to ask but she didn't, instead she smiled. Isaac seemed to be able to read between the lines. Hear what she wasn't saying.

"You can sleep on the couch." Samara smiled at the boy, the boy groaned playfully as he trudged down the stairs.


"You haven't told them everything yet, have you?" Peter spoke smugly as he looked at his nephew. They stood outside what was left of the Hale house after the fire.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build his pack, so eager to strengthen his numbers? When theres a new alpha, people take notice." Isaac and Samara stare at the alpha, confused as to why he hadn't informed them of the threat.

"People like who?" Isaac asks before pointing at the door of the Hale house. "What is this. What does this mean?"

"Another pack." The blonde remarked as she spun around to meet Derek's gaze.

"It's their symbol. And it means they're coming." He nodded.

"Who?" Isaac traces the mark with his fingers.


This caught the attention of the teenagers. "More than one?" Isaac looked to the man.

"A pack of them."

"How does that even work?" The blonde wolf questioned Derek but he just shrugged his shoulders in response.

"An alpha pack. And they're not just coming, they're already here."


Thank god this episode is finally over. This one episode took over 4000 words to cover. It wasn't even a good episode but, now we are on season 3 and that's when it gets a whole lot more interesting.  Stay tuned. And, as always vote and comment.

What do you want to see in upcoming chapters?

[ season 2 episode 12 ]

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