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Amelia groaned as she opened her eyes. She looked up at the simple, white ceiling above her. She winced as she tried to move into a sitting position. She looked down at her bandaged leg.
"At least only my right leg is damaged too badly. Um. My left leg still has a lotta stitches though" she sighed as she turned her head. Her eyes met the glassy plastic eyes of the teddy bear replica of Freddy Fazbear sitting on the table, next to a note. As she went to take the note a cheerful nurse walked in.
"Oh goody! Your awake. You've been asleep for hours. You are lucky that attractive young man got you here in time, am I right Miss... Oh, I'm sorry Miss, we haven't been told your name" the nurse winks at her as she did so.
"Oh, um. My name is Amelia..." Amelia mumbled.
"Oh, well Miss Amelia, once the doctor says you can go, you will be free! The doctor said you need to rest for a bit, then you can go." the nurse smiled before adding "Your boyfriend left that for you as well!" the nurse pointed to the bear.
"No, no, no! That guy isn't my boyfriend. He works at the same place I do as all." Amelia called out as the nurse was leaving.
"Too bad." he laughed as he closed the door, leaving or partly open.
Amelia picked up the note and read:
"Get well soon Miss Night Guard.
Okay, yeah. I know that a Freddy bear isn't the best thing for your recovery considering what happened there, but hey, it was the only thing I could get that was free. I woulda bought something, but you know our pay. I was told that was your sixth night. You've got guts girl! I only lasted a day doing night shift there... But now I'm on Day Duty now. Good luck and get well soon!
She realised that once she was released she would have to call and say she couldn't make it to work that day.
An hour later she walked into her bedroom and sat on her bed. She picked up her phone and dialled her employer.
"Hey. Um it's Amelia."
"Yeah, sorry. I won't be able to make it today"
"You are still a trial employee, you can't have a day off yet." he said nonchalantly
"But I just got out of the hospital!" she exclaimed
"Not my problem."
"I could of died, sir!"
"You sighed an agreement."
"I suppose so..." she sighed
"Get rest now, you'll need it for tonight." the phone disconnected
"Okay. Goodbye..." she said to no one
She put her phone on the desk and through her pillow across the room
"Merrrarrrgh! Why do I have to go back to that terrible smelling, death trap, poor excuse for a pizzeria! Okay, you know what? That's it. This has been going on for far too long! I'm bringin' that waste of space down, even if it takes me down with it!" she shouted at the bear that she threw onto her bed. Amelia grabbed her phone.
"I gotta postpone the pizza and theme park. I have a business to destroy! Let's go next week?"
"Hey Katie. I'm getting rid of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza for good!" She pulled her laptop out from under her bed. "Okay, this place's gotta have a ton of secrets hidden away!" she muttered as she typed on the keyboard.
"Hmm. These news articles look interesting!" she thought as she clicked the first link.
"Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Is it truly kid safe?
On the XX/XX/XXXX a man disguised as one of the animal mascots, Freddy Fazbear, lured a group of five children, Lily aged 13 and David Stevenson, aged 6, Cassandra Martin, age 11, and Jake and Suzy Collins, twins aged 12, into the back room of the pizzeria and murdered them. Their bodies were never found.
More on this on page 3"
"Thats because the man hid the bodies in the animatronics!" Amelia gasped as she remembered her dreams. She clicked the next link more hesitantly.
"Fazbear's Pizzeria goes from bad to worse.
Only days after the five children were reported missing another tragedy occurred at this family restaurant. One customer, Edward Carlson, aged 16, had part of his brain, the frontal lobe, bitten off by one of the robots. One witness had this to say:
"We poked our heads behind the curtain at Pirates Cove, ya know? The over exaggerated pirate area. Eddy felt bad for that broken pirate guy so we went over to him and tried to clean him up a bit, yeah? But then the animatronic bent down and bit him!" Steven Jones, aged 16. Edward Carlson miraculously survived but with major complications
There will be more when the police released information to the public"
Amelia giggled triumphantly as she lay on her bed
"This is more than enough, with what happened to me and the guy on the phone, to bring 'em down for good" she smiled as she kicked the Freddy Fazbear toy off the bed and watched it roll across the floor.

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