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It was late when the show ended, well when I got done anyway. It was dark out. I couldn't see jerome anywhere, it's not even hard to miss him considering his fiery red hair. I was upset but figured Lila wanted him. I was walking back to my trailer when that's when I heard a voice.

"I watched your performance __ it was quite good"

I turned around only to see Jeremiah, Jerome's twin. I'm closer with Jerome mainly because we have gone through similar things. You know drunk parent who's always horny, dead parent, getting beat. It's a lot to go through for a kid you tend to grow up fast here, you know fending for yourself. Anyway...

"Thanks Jeremiah but do you know where Jerome is" I asked.

"Don't you know what's wrong with him _" he said angrily.

"Wh-" I didn't even get to finish.

"Last week at our birthday he held a cake knife to my throat, then a couple days ago he tried to light my bed on fire!" He shouted.

This just started to get me mad. Sure jerome has his issues but we all do. Even me. Especially me.

"Listen, I'm trying to keep you safe," he started but I cut in.

"Looks like jerome was right" I say.

"What" he questioned.

"You're just trying to turn everyone against him" with that I started walking away.

I can't believe him sometimes. I'm so caught up in my thoughts I don't realize that I arrive at my trailer.

Before the crazy (jerome x reader)Where stories live. Discover now