Chapter 1

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Alec yawned as he walked the streets of Stirling, passing by many other people going about their own day, he was heading back to his flat after buying some second hand copies of Portal and Portal 2 for his PS3, he looked fairly normal, his hair was brown though it was slightly dishevelled, dark eye bags hung below his eyes, showing a clear lack of sleep, his exams had gotten him doing a few all nighters studying, he wore a pair of faded jeans along with an old band T-Shirt that  had the words 'Iron Maiden' on it with what appeared to be some sort of humanoid in a straight jacket chained to a padded room, the words 'Piece of Mind' were just barely visible as they had faded quite a bit.

He wore a black leather jacket that looked to have seen it's fair share of use, some areas on it had gone grey with wear, but it still got the job done, either way, Alec wouldn't be able to afford another one if he wanted to, when he went to see the prices of leather jackets they were far too high for him, he had gotten his jacket as a gift for his 18th birthday, he was 23 now and hadn't grown much, if at all in those years.

'Pffff, I can't wait to get home, it's freezing out here'
He thought to himself as he walked, it was cold enough that he could see his breath, but that was hardly a challenge for the weather in Scotland, especially in Winter.

As he crossed the road he heard a loud horn blaring and just as he turned to look at it everything went black, there was no pain, no dying thoughts, he just died instantly, yet he was conscious, he couldn't see, hear, smell, feel or taste anything, he couldn't move either, this brought him to the conclusion that he was in the after life.

'Hm, I expected something different, like, a great shining light beckoning me to heaven or something, but instead I'm just in this void, or well, I guess my soul is, I can't move or anything so I assume I'm not in my body, I suppose the best thing to do is wait for something to happen, it's not like I'm going anywhere any time soon after all'
He thought to himself.

After a while something happened, a robotic feminine voice sounded out.
"Warning, excessive damage taken to unit, main power is offline, deactivating all unnecessary systems... emergency power is online, booting up unit in three... Two... One..."
It spoke before vision slowly came to Alec, he noticed that he seemed to be looking through broken glass and that he was in some sort of dilapidated room, vegetation grew all around the room and what glass was in the room was either shattered or cracked, the door leading out from the room seemed to be jammed and one of the sides of the door was at an angle.

"Ugh, w-w-w-what ha-a-appened to-o-o me-e-e"
He spoke in a very glitchy robotic voice that sounded like he put his own through a bad autotune.

Suddenly the female voice from before sounded out again.
"Unit has taken excessive damage and is in dire need of repairs, I suggest that Unit makes their way to a repair bay"
It spoke, it's tone devoid of emotion.

"Ca-ca-ca-can I g-g-g-get a dama-a-a-age re-e-e-eport?"
He spoke, noticing that he seemed to be suspended in the air by something.

"Scanning... Scan complete. Unit has damage to the following components: Unit's optics, Units main power core, Unit's memory bank, Unit's voice module, Unit's chassis and unit's modification module"
The voice spoke.

"Je-Je-Jesus, wha-a-a-at e-e-exactly-ly-ly am I?"
He asked, trying to keep his cool and get some vital information.

"Unit is an Aperture Science Artificial Personality Construct, more commonly referred to as a Personality Core"
The voice spoke, surprising Alec.

'Didn't the game I bought have something called Cores in it.... no it's impossible I'll need more proof to prove that'
He thought before burying that thought.

"How-how-how am I-I-I go-o-oing to-to-to find-d-d a re-re-repair sta-sta-station?"
He asked, not wanting to stay as damaged as he is.

"Follow the Aperture Science Management Rail and you should find your way there"
The voice replied.

He said before trying to move along the rail, giving no real movement at all, he looked up albeit with some difficulty and saw that he was indeed connected to the rail, he decided to try and think of himself moving along the management rail and started moving, albeit with some difficulty, he needed to put a lot of focus onto moving along it, something he chalked up to being either a lack of practice or due to him being damaged.


So I decided to write this story after getting the Idea a small while ago, constructive criticism is appreciated as it helps me develop as a writer and make better stories, tell me what you think of this story so far as well.

At ease soldiers.

Word count: 849

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