Chapter 4

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Alec let out a gasp as he heard Caroline say his serial number that just happened to be the one the voice had said, he had no idea why he would be called to the central chamber, but he knew one thing, he was fucking terrified, he knew that disobeying the voice was a bad idea so he started moving towards the central chamber according to Caroline's directions.

As he was moving hundreds of thoughts coursed through his mind at the speed of light, each one thinking of horrible things that could happen.
"Oh god oh fuck, what if she crushes me? What if she pulls me apart part by part? What if she melts me? What if she forces me to do a series of tests until I rust away? What if she uses me as a sports ball? What if she-"
Alec was cut off from his train of thought when a large cylindrical chamber came into view, the words 'Aperture Science' were written in white on it with a symbol that looked like a segmented circle, the segments looked similar to the segments of a camera shutter.

He 'gulped' and summoned all of his courage to enter the chamber, he stopped just before he was able to enter the chamber due to the management rail suddenly cutting off, after a few seconds of waiting a mechanical whirring was heard and a panel on the chamber wall opened, allowing a management rail to extend out and connect to the one that Alec was on, he rode onto it and immediately it started retracting into the chamber, this time bringing him with it.

He found that while connected to the moving management rail he couldn't move along it, he assumed it was a safety precaution to make sure cores don't fall to their doom.

Once the rail stopped he moved along it through the surprisingly wide gap between the inner and outer walls of the chamber until he made it into the chamber proper, what he saw shocked him right down to his motherboard.

A gigantic robot that hung from the ceiling by thick cables and had advanced machinery plainly visible as it wasn't covered by a chassis, on the underside there were white plates and the head of the robot was curved and white with machinery right behind it, and it's eye was yellow and piercing, and it was also staring directly at Alec.

"Well, it took you long enough, if you didn't know beforehand considering your recent boot up after god knows how many years offline, I am GlaDOS, the owner of this facility, and you, you are the core that possesses the modification module yes?"
GlaDOS spoke causing Alec to give a nod to her question.

"Y-yes... I am i-in possession of the modification module"
He spoke, stuttering slightly out of fear of what the woman before him could do to him.

"Good, good, now, do you remember anything from before your awakening?"
She asked him, an interrogative tone in her voice.

"N-no the first thing I remember is a black void before Caroline booted me up on emergency power"
Alec said, not noticing the slight flinch GlaDOS gave when he said the word Caroline.

"Caroline? Care to elaborate?"
GlaDOS asked, her tone making the words seem like more of an order than a question.

"Shes the AI in my mind, she helps me with things like checking my bodies state and giving me info"
Alec said, breaking out of the stutter due to getting slightly more comfortable in GlaDOS's presence.

"Oh... yes of course. Anyway, you don't remember who you are? That's a bit of a problem... what modifications do you have available?"
GlaDOS asked.

"Well, the arm, as you can see, telescopic vision, which I haven't activated yet and the optic colour changer, I didn't get anything else"
Alec answered, raising his arm when he talked about it.

GlaDOS, upon hearing that would have raised an eyebrow if she had one, she knew those were only the tutorial ones, she had expected him to try and scan something.

"Did you not scan anything to get new modifications?"
She asked, a tone of shock and disbelief in her voice.

"Well, just as I finished the tutorial you called me here and I didn't have time to..."
Alec replied, after which a sigh was heard from GlaDOS.

"Fine, I'll help you this once, once you leave I want you to explore the facility, scan for modifications and meet the other AIs in the facility"
GlaDOS said before a panel on the ceiling near Alec opened and an arm came out, holding a taser.

"Scan that and be on your way"
She commanded.

Alec looked at the taser and thought about scanning it, quickly a heads up display showed the scanning progress and after a couple of seconds the scan was complete.

He concentrated on showing the taser in the library of modifications and it showed up along with a description,

Taser: shocks things, can immobilise humans and most small to medium androids via an electric current, overuse can cause power deficiency in user and permanently damage the target.

Alec then concentrated on materialising it and after a few seconds on the side opposite to his arm another was forming, when the energy dissipated it showed an arm but instead of a three fingered hand it was a three pronged taser that had arcs jumping from prong to prong whenever he activated it.

"Ok, get going"
GlaDOS said, prompting Alec to nod and start to leave.

"Thank you for the taser"
He thanked before he entered the wall and the panel closed behind him, he took the route he took to get in and eventually found himself back on the moving management rail.

Alec was carried by it to the management rail on the other side and when he left it the rail retreated into the chamber wall again.

"Oh god that was scary"
Alec thought to himself as he started moving along the rail.

Word count: 1011


Here is chapter 4 of this book, I hope you are enjoying it.

At ease soldiers.

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