Chapter 3

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When Alec got his senses back he 'blinked' a few times and looked around, noticing his vision was back to normal, he then decided to ask Caroline how his body was doing.
"Caroline, status report"
He asked, also testing out his voice.

"Scanning.... all systems functional, modification module is now available for use, would you like to activate it?"
Caroline spoke, Alec was just about to reply before he heard Jack's voice.

"Ehhh, you alright there pal? You were just talking to yourself"
He said with a tone of concern and confusion in his voice.

"Hmm? It's an AI inside my mind, I've had her ever since I woke up in a dilapidated part of the facility, but I can't remember anything before that..."
He said, hoping to get some answers about how things worked in the facility.

"Yeah I wouldn't be surprised, your memory drive was pretty jacked up, recovered what I could but it's all encrypted, I have no idea what's in it"
Jack said before continuing.

"Alright, I'll catch you up to speed in common knowledge and such within Aperture Science Laboratories, so first thing's first, the head honcho here is GlaDOS, whatever you do don't get on her bad side, she has a whole list of punishments she uses, make sure you don't piss her off yeah?"

"There used to be human testing but that got phased out a couple of years ago, testing is just done with the bots now, Atlas and P-body are the main ones, but there are others, us cores are each built for a specific purpose, you should find your own one out fairly soon"

"Try to stay well away from the salt mines down under, no coming back from that, I tell you, no management rails, no one to pull you along, you're stuck down there if you go down there."

"Last but not least if GlaDOS calls you over to her, either something very good or very bad is about to happen to you, you'll know once you enter her chamber"

"Anyway, you're all fixed up now, head on along to where you need to be"
Jack concluded.

"Alright, thanks man, I appreciate the help"
Alec said as he was connected to the management rail by an arm.

"No problem, just come back around if you need some repairs, though I hope you won't need to be coming around here often, getting damaged isn't fun after all"
Jack spoke with a slight comedic tone towards the end.

"Will do"
Alec replied before exiting the repair bay and going back the way he came, noticing that his movement on the management rail was much easier than before.

After he exited the repair bay and got a small while away Alec decided to answer Caroline.
"Yes, please do activate the modification module"
He said and not a second later Caroline answered.

"Affirmative, activating the modification module in 3... 2... 1... Activated, would you like a tutorial of the modification module?"
Caroline replied.

"Yes, I would like a tutorial"
Alec affirmed, nodding as he did so.

"Playing pre-recorded tutorial now."

"Hello personality core, if you are hearing this it means that you are in possession of the Aperture Science Modification Module, this tutorial will run down the basic functions that you need to know in order to operate your Aperture Science Modification Module.

The Aperture Science Modification Module or ASMM for short is an exclusive piece of technology owned by only one core, that core being yourself, as the name suggests it allows you to modify your own body as you see fit, to modify your body you first need to scan an object, take a turret's gun for example and have enough fabrication energy to create it in your body.

Fabrication energy is your modification resource, it is what makes your modifications and rearranges parts of your body to allow for said modifications, it recharges slowly on it's own by pulling in matter floating in the air at a slow pace but you can increase the regeneration speed by consciously absorbing objects, keep in mind doing so takes a lot of your concentration so make sure you are safe when you do so.

Your modification module already has a small databank of a few modifications possible for you to do to start off, to access it simply think about the library of modifications in your memory."
The masculine voice spoke with as much emotion as Caroline.

Alec processed the large amount of information he had just been given and noticed that it was actually fairly easy, he didn't have any headaches or such, he could actually remember everything word by word, he guessed it was due to having a memory bank rather than a brain.

He concentrated on thinking about the modification library the tutorial had spoken about and soon enough he got it, he noticed all that was there was three modifications, he read them one by one.

Arm: an arm, you can use it to hold stuff and do arm things.

Telescopic vision: allows vision magnification up to 5x.

Optics colour changer: allows you to change the colour and shape of your optics.

"Well done, for now activate the arm modification by thinking about activating it"
The tutorial spoke.

Alec thought about activating the arm and soon enough a bright green energy started forming at Alec's right side, it was shaping into a slender arm with a three fingered hand, when the energy died down it revealed a slender mechanical arm with the three fingered hand, Alec could move it around as if it were always there.

"Well done, to remove the arm simply think about deactivating it and you will pull the energy back into your body, allowing for almost no energy waste, thank you for participating in the Aperture Science Modification Module tutorial, have a good day"
The tutorial spoke before going silent.

"Well, that's good to know, say, Caroline, where should I go no-"
Alec was cut off by the sound of an intercom chime ringing out throughout the facility, a feminine voice followed after wards.

"Will the core with the serial number 23637 report to the central chamber"
The voice spoke, phrasing it as a question but her voice carried a strict tone that told Alec that it wasn't a question, rather, an order.

"Uh, Caroline, what is my serial number?"
Alec asked, a tone of fear in his voice as he spoke, his body also was shuddering and his eye was incredibly small, normally it looked like a teal iris with a red pupil but at that point it was just a small teal dot with an even tinier red dot.

"Unit's serial number is 23637"
Caroline answered.

Word count: 1126


Here is chapter 3 of Reincarnated as a personality core?! Hope you enjoyed.

At ease.

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