Chapter 2

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Though his vision was obscured somewhat by the cracks in his optics he was able to see things fairly well, he marvelled at how ginormous the facility was as he rode the management rails to places no test subject would ever be allowed to go, he also got looks at some tests, he noticed that they were already completed, as if someone had been going through the tests.

He wondered who would want to do that, if it is a who anyway, for all he knew it could have been a robot that solved them all, he also noticed that a lot of them seemed to be impossible, he saw that the only way that it could be possible was some sort of teleportation or such, or maybe even portals, which caused him to think that he might of actually become part of the portal universe, he wished that he had gotten the chance to play the games so he would have some idea of what was going on.

But he knew there was no point dwelling on the past and that he needed to focus on what was happening to him now, he decided to speak to the voice in his mind to try and get some info.

"I-I-I ha-a-ave a-a-a que-que-question, wha-wha-what i-i-is your-r-r na-a-ame?"
He asked, wondering if the voice in his head even had one in the first place.

"I am an Aperture Science Personal System, or A.S.P.S for short, you may call me another name as you see fit"
The voice said

"Ho-o-o-ow abou-abou-about Caroline?"
He asked, remembering hearing something about a woman named Caroline being in portal 2 and deciding to use the name, though he obviously didn't know who it truly belonged to, after all, he had done his best to stay away from spoilers.

"... Name accepted, you may call me Caroline"
Caroline spoke, her tone still as emotionless and robotic as before, but Alec was glad to have a name to match with the voice in his mind.

"S-s-s-so Ca-a-a-aroline, how-how-how far i-iiiiiiiiiiis the re-re-repair ba-ba-bay?"
Alec asked, hoping to be able to get his voice back to normal.

"The repair bay is approximately half a mile along the management rail"
Caroline spoke, causing Alec to sigh in relief,

"Phe-phe-phew, th-th-the da-da-damage I-I-I have i-i-is get-get-getting ver-ver-very ann-ann-annoying"
He said, putting some thought into moving along faster on the management rail, he wanted to get repaired fairly soon so he could start going around looking for answers like where he is and why he is there without fearing imminent deactivation.

After roughly 26 minutes Alec noticed a sign that read 'Aperture Science Robot Repair Station' causing him to sigh in relief, he followed the rail into a room with what seemed to be a one eyed orb hanging from the ceiling with it's eye closed, light snores emitted from it as Alec looked around lightly nervously.

The orb was mostly white in colour, though it had black stains here and there around it's body, said stains resembled oil, though if it was a cosmetic choice or just a part of the work Alec didn't know.

"Ahem... He-he-hello? I-I-I n-n-need some-some-some re-re-repairs"
He said in a loud voice, or well, as loud as his damaged voice module would allow anyway.

"Huh-whaaaaaa... goddamn, what happened to YOU?"
The Core spoke in a surprised tone of voice, it's eye was a rusty orange in colour and was shaped like a gear, it's voice had an American accent to it, it's voice also sounded like a male's.

"Be-be-believe me-me-me, I'd te-te-tell you i-i-if I Kne-Knew"
He said, not having a clue what happened to his body before he woke up in it.

"Can't remember huh? Probably some damage to your memory banks, well don't worry, I'll have you fixed up good as new in no time, just disconnect from your management rail onto the table there and I'll take care of the rest, the name's Jackson by the way, but you can just call me Jack"
Jack said.

Alec said before moving to above the table and willing himself to disconnect from the rail, soon doing so and plonking onto the table with a metallic thud, he started rolling before mechanical arms extended from the ceiling and picked him up.

Each of the many arms had a different tool on them in varying sizes, one of the arms plugged into a port on Alec and sent a small shock into his body, causing him to give a confused look.

"Wh-wh-wh-what was-was-was that?"
He asked.

"Oh that was just me temporarily disabling your pain processor, what, did you think I was just about to preform surgery on you without numbing you? We're not savages"
Jack said, before starting to control the arms to start taking Alec apart, removing any broken parts.

Something to note is that Jack's eye started turning like a gear in a machine, though Alec didn't notice that as his optic was the first thing to be removed.

Once everything damaged was removed Jack started repairing what he could of the broken parts, it wasn't excessively difficult but it also wasn't easy, after all, the parts were pretty damaged.

When he got to a certain part Jack's eye widened.
"Holy shit, that's a modification module, just who is that core?"
He said to himself before shaking his... inner body? The bit that moves to allow cores to look around instead of a fixed direction.

"Either way I should get back to this repair, it'll be android hell for me if I mess this up"
Jack said before concentrating on the repair.


Well, here's the second chapter of this story of mine, I very hope that you enjoyed.

Once again, constructive criticism is welcomed, as well as just general comments.

At ease soldiers.

Word count: 1016

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