I Got You

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~I don't mind spending every day, out on your corner in the pouring rain. Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay a while. And she will be loved~ Maroon 5.

Chapter Theme Song: 'She Will Be Loved' by Maroon 5.



I watch Principal Cameron's expression morphs into all sorts while she watches the video from Olivia's cell.

Jace can barely open his left eye, a dark contusion encircles it while half of his face is swollen. The nurse tended to his bruises before sending him into the office; he's fortunate to not have ended up bedridden after that beating he got.

Ansel hasn't said a word since we came inside Mrs. Cameron's office. He's still enraged about the confrontation, and although he's wearing his glasses to school today, I can easily sight the look of venom in his eyes. I fear he may attack again, and I don't want him getting into trouble. Especially because of me.

That side of him which I saw today was intimidating and unstoppable. I've never seen him that mad before; the sight was terrifying.

Mrs. Cameron shakes her head. "I cannot believe this."

"Ansel was just trying to help me, that's all." I cajole, attempting to maneuver her future decisions. "Please don't punish him, he was only looking out for me."

Ansel looks at me, and I smile at him sadly. I feel bad, he potentially ruined his reputation to defend me.

I see how the rage slowly disappears from his eyes as half his lips turn up. His smile is so angelic and sweet, you wouldn't think he could handle himself so well in a fight.

Looks surely can be deceiving.

Olivia looks from him to me, then scoffs once again. "You are so full of yourself. Ansel would look out for anyone, even a fly. That's just Ansel. Get over yourself, Jeezus."

"Be quiet." Principal Cameron bores holes through Olivia's face from beneath her thick glasses. The look of disappointment is clear on her features as Olivia presses her lips together, picking at her nails instead.

I catch Ansel as he glances at Jace, who turns his face away quickly, wincing at the pain from his sudden movement.

"Jace, I can't believe you entered a female restroom, threatened her, and then attempted to put your hand on her." Principal Cameron throws the cell phone onto the desk, shaking her head in disgust.

Jace tries to sit up in his chair, pressing the icepack to his wounded cheek. "As you may have-ah..." he groans. "As you may...have seen, she hit me first. She punched me in the nose, Aunt Linda."

"Don't call me that at school." Principal Cameron points her finger at him. "I am so embarrassed to be your aunt. You are such a disgrace! I saw when you shoved her against the wall in that video!"

"Y-yeah...yeah, I did that, but she made my nose bleed! There was blood every..." he closes his eyes, sighing in pain. "Everywhere. It was one hell of a punch. She hits like a man for Christ's sake."

"Well, you deserved it. What you did was insolent and distasteful. I am embarrassed to be your aunt. And Olivia? You're a female, how could you urge him to put his hand on her? Are you even my daughter?"

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