Always Have, Always Will

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~Nobody said it was easy, it's such a shame for us to part.~ Coldplay.

Chapter Theme Song: 'The Scientist' by Coldplay.

Warning: Chapter contains mature sexual content.

A/N: Swipe left for the song audio :)


Third-person Pov

"So, when will your dad be leaving?" Alaric asks, taking a swig of his beer.

Rainey and Riley along with the brothers are all sitting on a large blanket on the front yard's dewy grass, gazing up into the starry sky with sour spirits and hearts of despair. The night is chillingly windy, and the atmosphere is humid, transporting the scent of grass and concrete.

"I am not sure." Rainey purses her lips, sadness spiking within her. "He hasn't given me a date yet."

"Oh. Well, the time has been chasing away like a bullet these days." Arden smiles. "In the blink of an eye, you'll be back." His tone is hopeful.

"Will you be leaving too?" Alex pulls his knees up, looking over at Riley while the wind whirls his thick hair around. She gloomily nods.

"Yeah, her dad asked me to come along. To keep her company."

He sighs, pulling his face away and downing some of his beer. "He's taking everything..."

Aiden picks a stalk nearby and begins plucking the leaves off, throwing them on the grass. "I am going to miss you guys. Make sure to facetime us often."

Rainey musters a smile, but it fades faster than it came. "Yeah, ...we'll do that."

"And call us too, write, maybe send a messenger bird or something. Or travel on one of those camels they have in Dubai to visit us."

Rainey and Riley bursts in laughter as the brothers barely crack smiles.

"No seriously, don't forget about us," Arden states wistfully.

"That's impossible," Rainey assures. "You guys are the best thing to have happened to me lately. I will never forget you guys. Plus, I'll be back very soon."

Alaric nods. "Keep your promise, kid."

She smiles. "I will."

A small sniffle pulls their attention into Arden's direction. His head is hung as he quickly wipes his eyes with his wrist. Aiden bends his head, gawking at his twin brother in disbelief. "Dude, are you crying right now?"

Arden, whose eyes appear wet, blinks at his brother in denial. "Crying? What, hell no."

"Dude, you're really fucking crying right now." Aiden's mouth is agape. "You are actually shedding tears."

"I am not, the wind is heavy and it's cold out here." Arden tries to plead his case, but the glistening water smeared beneath his eyes are a giveaway.

"And you said I didn't stop drinking from a baby bottle until I was six."

Arden shakes his head.

"Let me see your eyes, turn your face to me."

Alaric uses his handkerchief to sling Aiden in the head, and he mewls as he gropes the spot, darting a flabbergasted gaze to his older brother. "Ow."

"Leave him alone."

Rubbing his head, he gawps at him obediently. "That stings, Ric."

The girls smile softly, as Ansel reaches for his beer sitting on the grass. Discovering that the bottle is now empty, he exhales harshly and puts it back down. "Is there more beer inside?"

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