Don't Come Find Me

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~My ride or die, let's burn out tonight. Even if we don't survive, we were right by being wrong. Don't look back to the wreck, stay with me, turn your head. This is it, all that's left just some times that we had. Heaven, make me an offer. Lord, there's nothing for me left out here.~ Khalid.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Heaven' by Khalid.

N:B: Please listen the above song throughout this chapter. Much love!


Third-person Pov

"Max. Yeah, which one of the wards is he on?" Ansel taps his finger against his knee as he sits in the passenger's seat while Alex listens from the driver's side.

"Ward 808? Ah. Okay." He hangs up and tucks his cell into the pocket of his denim jeans. "Room 24, Ward 808, Al. Let's go."

The boys emerge from the vehicle and make their way toward the large hospital. Sliding through a group of paramedics and nurses gathered at the entrance, they assertively stroll through the lobby to find Jeff's ward. They decided that a little 'push' will be of great aid to Rainey's dad.

Jeff is sitting upright on his hospital bed; his back is cushioned with white pillows as he gropes his injured side over his blue pajamas. Grimacing in pain, he utters a series of curse words as the door to his room slides open.

"How are you feeling, Anderson?" His assigned doctor walks in; a young lady with thick healthy black hair and sparkling green eyes.

He sighs. "My insides feel like shit, but I feel a little better after seeing your beautiful face, Doctor Stephanie."

The lady who looks to be in her early-twenties chuckles wryly, shaking her head. "It's Doctor Meyers for you. I'll have you take two more capsules of pain reliever in six hours."

"I think your phone number would more do the trick."

She scoffs at his flirtation as she quickly jots down on her notepad, a small smile of amusement lingering on her full lips. "You're not necessarily my type, Mr. Anderson."

"What is your type?" Jeff smirks, tilting his battered face to the side.

"If I were to be honest those two boys waiting at the door would be my ideal type."

He scrunches his face up. "Two boys waiting at the door?"

Checking his IV machine, she nods her head simply. "Two extremely handsome boys. They say they are good friends of yours and was devastated when they heard you were hospitalized."

Jeff narrows his eyes in confusion, wracking his brain for who these persons could be. He didn't inform anyone but Miranda of his hospitalization.

"I'll have them come in since you'll have your next examination in an hour." With that she strides away, sliding across the transparent door and politely ushering in Jeff's two worst nightmares.

The color immediately drains from his face as Alex and Ansel steps into the room, the two boys smirking mischievously as Doctor Meyers blushes profusely.

"You only have an hour, boys."

Awestricken, Jeff quickly opens his mouth to speak but no words leave them. Alex swings the doctor a charming smile and she flushes under his gaze as she sashays away, her white gown flailing along her hips. Closing the door after her, he follows behind Ansel as Jeff finally finds his voice.

"Fuck..." He attempts to move. "Help.... help!"

"Shh." Alex firmly grips his shoulder, pushing his back against the pillows as he pats his chest in mock comfort. "Yelling won't be good for your fucked-up intestine."

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