I Love You To Death

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~I don't come close to an angel. And you ain't never been no kind of saint. But when we both came together, hell to heaven, you were my escape. But fires don't burn forever and all these ashes crumble when we touch. We danced to death in the fire. What can we do now that the music's done, my love?~ Jessie Reyez.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Rush' by Lewis Capaldi ft. Jessie Reyez.

A/N: Heyy, pleasee listen the above song throughout this chapter! Much love! x


Three Weeks Later


Ansel's head snaps in my direction and I shrink in my seat, heat rising to my rosy cheeks. Our gazes connect for the third time today and we are just exchanging glares for a few seconds.

"I meant the book..." I quickly defend, "that you're reading..."

His lips pull back in a smile, showcasing deep dimples on either cheek.

"I can see that." He finally speaks and I smile a little, averting my eyes to my tray.

"Have you finished it yet?" He shifts his body in my direction.

"Yeah, I have. Like ten times."

He laughs deeply and the sound is melodic. "Well, I am just in Chapter Twenty."

"Oh, you're almost there." I jerk him a thumbs up and he smiles and shakes his head.

I look away and reach for my apple.

"So, do you like it?" He asks again.

I nod. "I do actually, a lot. It reminds me so much of myself."

He tilts his head to the side, "Why's that?"

"Well...I guess I can relate to the protagonist." I half-shrug.

A glint of curiosity flashes across his eyes and he surpasses it and just smiles. "Oh, that's deep."


Tears bleed from Rainey's closed eyes as the memory of the first day she met Ansel replays vividly in her dreams.

His eyes shine with admiration; something she did not notice at that moment. It is as if he had loved her all along, from the moment they made eye-contact through her locker mirror.

His beam is radiantly appealing and a lot more blinding in her flashback; so blinding that she can literally see its pungent glares.

Her dream drifts into a state of consciousness and her forehead wrinkles as she slowly opens heavy eyes. Ansel's bright smile was only the flare of the hot sun, projecting onto her face from the light blue hospital blinds. Her heart sinks.

"She's awake."

Riley's relieved voice ushers Rainey in a state of awareness as her eyes settle onto the anxious faces in front of her.

"Are you alright?" Alex worries. "You have been unconscious for three weeks."

"Rain, I am so happy you're awake." Riley purses her lips in a sad smile.

A weak Rainey slowly cast her gaze among the people standing over her. Riley, Alaric, Alex, Aiden, Arden...where's Ansel?

Her face squeezes in heartache and she drops her eyes to the IV needle in her hand. Painfully tugging at it as cold tears gush down her face.

Alaric quickly runs over, resting his hand over hers. "No, don't do that, Rain. Your dad went to get some fruits for you, okay?"

He sits next to her and she tries to sit up, grimacing as she finally manages to prop herself up on one elbow. The brothers watch her with sorrowful eyes. She has lost weight to the point that her collarbones have sunken into two deep holes. She looks tiny in the blue pajamas and her lips are cracked and pale.

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