Adrenaline Rush

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~Whenever you're ready, can we surrender?~Natalie Taylor.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Surrender' by Natalie Taylor.



I open my eyes to find my face nestled into Ansel's neck while my thigh is casually thrown over him.

I gently lift my head, careful not to wake him since the image in front of me is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Ansel is laying on his back, sleeping peacefully while his chest rises and falls in breaths. His lips appear red and full, slightly parted as warm air passes through them.

The rain is still beating against the rooftops as I glance at the red numbers on my bedside clock.

2:05 am

I try to move away but he has an arm clasped around me, restricting my movement. My gaze dips to where our bodies are tightly knitted together, and I smile softly.

I take this rare moment to admire his features. He has a perfect nose; his eyelashes are long, and his eyebrows are naturally arched. His face is symmetrical, like an art piece.

He is beautiful.

I snap a mental image of his peaceful state so that if life somehow takes us separate places, I will always remember this moment. People come and go, and it is sometimes not their fault; I am mature enough to know that and be at peace with it.

Suddenly, his eyes flutter open. I should move away but it is all so sudden. I freeze in my spot as his sleepy orbs connect with mine. A silence falls upon us, the sound of the heavy rain filling the quiet void that lingers in the air.

"Are you alright?" He breaks the ice; his voice is calm yet raspy.

His hair lands over his forehead in a messy tuft, and since he is laying right beneath the bed lamp his eyes appear alluringly sparkly.

It must feel awfully creepy to wake up to someone staring at you so intently, but he does not seem bothered by it at all. However, that does not make me less embarrassed.

I break eye-contact with him as waves of humiliation flood my face. My first thought is to disappear from the scene. "Y-yeah...I'm fine."

I pull away from him and begin to get off the bed when he gently grabs a hold of my hand, tugging me back to lay down. He hovers above me instantly and my eyes enlarge apprehensively as I peer up at him.


His hair now falls in his eyes but between the dark strands, he regards me intensely. "Rain..."

I feel small beneath him; my feminine figure is an obvious contrast to his masculine one.


"Can I ask you something?" His gaze travels down to my lips, and I swallow hard, nodding my head. He brings his forehead down to press against mine and the air gets caught in my lungs.

"How do you feel?" He whispers.

My heart skips a beat as he lifts his head to look me in the eyes. I slightly squirm beneath him, nervously. His expression is so intense that it sends shivers down my spine, or could it just be the cold night air that flurries the beige curtains of my room? Either way I am close to trembling, and the goosebumps trailing my skin is evidence.

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