~Chapter Four~

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Lucy slammed the door behind her, lifting her head up in the air and twisting in different ways to crack her back.

"AAAAHHHHH! WHEN WILL THIS BE OVER?" She asks to no one in particular.

"Once you finish the last door and make your damn choice. Get a move on!"

Lucy didn't bother looking down at the man snapping his fingers like a slave driver, sat on the floor.

"Shut up, Hiro." Lucy spoke, cracking her neck again and knuckles. Hiro didn't respond and  remained silent. "So do I have to do the last one?"

"No actually, I prefer you didn't. Except, you have to. And I dont really have a say in the matter. Neither do you, so..." He rolled his eyes and walked toward the last door.

"Why should I not go through it?"

"It's just my opinion." Hiro replied, not giving her an exact answer. Lucy sighed and decided she should probably get it over with so that she could go get a massage at a hopefully nearby salon.

"My back is fucking killing me and I'm not sure why. The heels must have an affect on the whole body. Urggh." Lucy groaned in pain, complaining about how unfair her situation was, not realizing that Hiro had disappeared.
"It's so stup-.... Hiro? Where'd you go?... ugh you ugly piece of degenerate weeabo trash." Lucy clenched her fists and turned to the last door. She was surprisingly scared. What kind of beast of a man would appear? If he was like the others, she would have to refuse to choose between them. Simply because she wouldn't want any of them. But
If he was different-...
Lucy hesitantly grabbed the door knob and turned it. As the blinding white light enveloped her, the same robotic voice spoke.

"The final trial will now commence."

"The final trial... sounds fancy." Lucy sighed once more.
She then appeared in what seemed to be a room. It had white walls, dark wooden floors and in front of her was a table. It must've been a dining room. Lucy noticed that there was a phone on the table. She picked it up and noticed a text from someone named "idiot♡"

"So someone's got a crush, huh?" Lucy smirked to herself. The text read " Large tree in Sankoku Park, 4:30pm." Lucy nodded to herself and left after searching up how to get to the said location. As she walked, she looked down at her outfit.
Skinny, high waisted, black ripped jeans. A tight, white crop top with small flame designs on the bottom and thin straps. Loosely curled hair and white sneakers. The outfit was adorable. Falling and resting across her waist and chest was a small black bag with a long shoulder strap.

Upon arrival to the park with the sign that said "Sanku Park", Lucy gulped and entered through the gate. It was 4:25. He would be arriving soon. She spotted a large Magnolia tree. It was gorgeous and in full bloom. As she stared up at the beauty, she felt eyes on her. Lucy whipped her head down and saw a man sitting on the bench that leaned against the tree. He was sat with his elbows supporting his weight by leaning on his knees.
"N-no way!!" Lucy yelled, pointing at the man with a large, muscular frame. A sharp jawline and Adam's apple, broad shoulders and large triceps. He had thick lips and a big neck. Piercing, green, predatorial eyes and soft looking pink hair. His eyes were glued to her and so were Lucy's. She was in shock at how good he looked with a tight navy shirt, white shoes and gray sweatpants. The man stood up and walked towards her. Lucy shivered lightly as his large strides somehow filled her head with dirty thoughts.
He grinned and placed his hand on her head from behind her back.

"Hey, cutie. What's with that outfit?" Lucy's face turned red. Cutie? She pouted and crossed her arms.

"What do you mean 'what's with' it!? Does it look bad? You could have just told me!" Lucy raised her voice, letting her arms then fall to her sides.

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