Romantic tea party with Sally

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Your POV
The girls and I ran to the kitchen to get the last cookie, and WE DIDN'T GET IT! We heard munching from behind us so we looked only to see L.J, EATING THE LAST COOKIE!!! "LAUGHING JACK IN THE BOX!!!!!!!" I yelled chasing him around "NOOOOOOO THE COOKIE!!!!!" I heard CpFan cry (A/N:not literally).Jack was done eating the cookie. I frowned, went to Jeff and hugged his waist. He wrapped his arm

around my shoulders and kissed me. Of corse I kissed back and we hugged. "NOOOO THE CUPCAKES ARE MISSING!" I pulled away from Jeff and ran back to the kitchen to see Jane pouting with her arms crossed, well she had her mask on... "Uhhhh they're right here" I said pulling the cupcakes out. "Yay!" Sally cheered and left with ALL the cupcakes. We all ran after her "welcome to Sally's

romantic tea party ONLY FOR GIRLS!" She cheered. We all laughed and joined her. We talked and sipped tea when she got out some dresses and handed them to us. I had a (f/c) dress, CpFan had a red, black and purple dress, Sally had a light pink dress, Nina had purple, Jane black and Clocky green.

 I had a (f/c) dress, CpFan had a red, black and purple dress, Sally had a light pink dress, Nina had purple, Jane black and Clocky green

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(I spent my WHOLE life looking for good dresses! The reason yours is white is because.. I WANT YOU TO USE YOUR IMAGINATION *insert Spongebob voice* and imagine yourself wearing a dress of your favourite colour) "oh Sally they're beautiful!" Jane giggled. "Oh wow! Mine looks great!" CpFan smiled (ehhhh not really😂) "I'm so happy you five like them! Lazari's supposed to come over" Sally said. Lazari came and she had a red and black dress on.

 Lazari came and she had a red and black dress on

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(Pretend that there's red...) "Lazari! You look stunning!" Nina complimented. "Aww thanks Nina! Who's this?" She looked at me, "(Y/N)! Our friend and girlfriend of Jeff" Clockwork said. "Nice to meet ya!" Lazari grinned "same goes for you too Lazari!" I giggled.

His kitty (Jeff The Killer x Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now