7 minutes in heaven (you and Jeff)

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Your POV
Jeff was on the couch playing video games with BEN while I was on his lap. "Hey everyone! So y'all know about the movie "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" right?" CpFan asked and everyone went like "yes", "yeah", "of course!" "Duh" or "mmhm" "well, ever heard about "How The JEFF Stole Christmas"?!" Everyone looked at Jeff and he glared at CpFan. "Don't believe me? HERE!" CpFan showed us a picture of Jeff in a Santa outfit while carrying a tree.

 "Don't believe me? HERE!" CpFan showed us a picture of Jeff in a Santa outfit while carrying a tree

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(Meh:SO BOOTYFUL! Wait...JEFF STOP SHOWING DA TREE YO BOOTY!!! *chases Jeff around with a broom*) we all burst into laughter and some of us were rolling on the floor. BEN whacked Jeff's head and fell off the couch laughing. I fell off Jeff's lap and onto the floor dying of laughter. "SHUT UP!" Jeff shouted and everyone -except CpFan- stopped and looked at Jeff with

fear in their eyes, well except for the ones wearing masks and E.J since he didn't have eyes. "JEFF IS DA GRINCH!" CpFan died laughing. "Rip CpFan, 2008-whatever year it is now" CJeff said walking by "bruh...its 2020" CpFan said. "CORONA!!!!!" Toby screamed and started kissing his waffles. "I w-will ALWAYS r-remember you!!!!" Masky slapped him and Toby just looked at him. "O-OMG MASKY T-TOUCHED MEEEE!!!"

CpFan and I laughed at Toby's childishness. (no this isn't cannon Toby 'cause he's too boring. THIS Toby is fun!!! :D comment if you like Fanon Toby (this Toby) or Canon Toby (serious Toby) better, I pick Fanon)

"children, I'm gøing tø visit Splendørman før twø weeks sø Masky and CJeff are in charge" slender said and left. We all groaned 'cause the two of them were VERY boring. "Ok rules.

1.no annoying Masky
2.CpFan is NOT allowed to watch scary stuff nor go outside
3.Jeff and (Y/N) cannot make out unless they're in their room
5.Sally needs to stop loosing Charlie

Any questions?" Jeff rose his hand. "Yes Jeff?" Masky looked over at him. "I'M BREAKING THE THIRD RULE!" He screamed and slammed his rough lips against my soft ones. My eyes widened but I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck.

"YYYYYYYAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS!!!! LET'S ALL BREAK RULES THAT WE DON'T AGREE WITH!!!!!" I shouted happily. Jeff and (Y/N) were still making out while Toby started annoying Masky once again. Sally accidentally lost Charlie so we all looked for him. He was on CJeff's head while no one noticed XD, "WHOOOO I WILL BREAK RULE FOUR!" BEN shouted and skipped around like a weirdo. "Let's play 7 minutes in

heaven!!!!" Everyone groaned since BEN always yelled that. "Sally's too innocent BEN" Jane growled, "plus, someone needs to watch her you're 12 and Sally is 8! E-I-G-H-T! EIGHT!" "(Y/N)'s got a point" I said since she was right. "I'll watch her" Nina said. L.J, Hoodie, Jane and E.J said. "YAYYYYY MORE FUN FOR US!" BEN Yelled. He took off his hat and each of the boys (except the ones watching

Sally with Jane and Nina) put something in the hat. (Y/N) was up first "GOOOOOO (Y/N)!" I cheered jumping around. "Knife" she said holding up a knife, "c'mon babe" Jeff said getting up. "HEY! DON'T GET MY FRIEND PREGNANT IN THERE!" I growled.

3rd person's POV
Jeff nodded and went to the closet with you following him. "Remember, 7 minutes" CpFan said.

~inside da closet~
You looked around for Jeff but couldn't see him since it was too dark then something or someone grabbed your wrist. "I'm right here (Y/N)" you smiled once you heard Jeff's voice. He cupped your cheeks and leaned in. You also leaned in, once your lips touched you felt like fireworks exploded in your stomach and heart. "Mmm~" Jeff groaned deepening the kiss, you softly moaned into

the kiss and crawled onto his lap without breaking the kiss. (Meh:talk about a GREAT ship! OwO) "(Y/N)~" Jeff huffed after you two pulled away for air. "Jeff~" you sighed, you felt his 'friend' poke your thigh and you rubbed him using your hand. "Mmm~ (Y/N)~" he groaned. "Yes Jeff~?" You purred. "TIME'S UP!" BEN shouted,  you and Jeff walked out of the closet and sat back down but with you in his lap once

again. "So! You two have a steamy time in there? We heard you moaning, mostly Jeff" CpFan teased making you two blush.
Thank you for reading this part Creepyloves! :3 this idea randomly popped into my mind and I was like "SCREW THAT SH!T" And started writing this without even realizing what I just did😂😂😂 also sorry you two didn't have enough time in there but you did get plenty of time to read this like a perv in real life if you are one😂. Next chapter will have a lemon, I'm serious. You got Jeff 'excited' in this chapter now he wants to finish what you two did in the next one.

Jeff:true! *kisses you*


CJeff:ok, please skip the next chapter of you don't like sexual stuff

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