When he 'cheats' but you know what happened

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Jeff's POV
I woke up naked next to (Y/N), I smiled and kissed her forehead waking her up, "morning Jeffy" she yawned "hey babe" I smiled back. "IT'S 1:04 PM!!!" Nina yelled running by. (Y/N) and I got dressed then headed downstairs for breakfast. "Geez! Maybe it was a bad idea playing seven minutes in heaven last night" BEN laughed, "ya think?" Masky sighed. "I so ship it, that's why they call me "The Crazy Shipping Fangirl"

" CpFan laughed. "(Y/N), Jeffery, keep it døwn next time alright?" Slendy sighed. "Yeah, I didn't get any sleep" CJeff yawned. "BUT IT WAS WORTH IT!" (Y/N) and CpFan shouted. "Hey (Y/N)! What's your Zodiac Sign?" Nina asked. "(Z/S)" {(Z/S) means Zodiac Sign} "did I mention that I was Scorpio~?" CpFan grinned. "Babe, you spent the entire night drawing the Lenny face" CJeff

said making the girls burst into laughter. "Oh yeah! Perverted mind huh?" CpFan wiggled her eyebrows making the girls laugh once again. "Breakfast" Slendy put our food down. "Breakfast? Then where's breakSLOW? Get it? BreakFAST has fast in it?" Nina smiled. "We get it Nina" Masky sighed. "Hope you two don't do that again" Jane sighed in annoyance while Clockwork nodded in agreement. "I can't promise

anything~" (Y/N) giggled "DON'T BURN THE HALLWAY CARPETS!" CpFan yelled "I CAN'T PROMISE ANYTHING!!!" (Y/N) yelled back (meh:VOAdam anyone? No? Just me? Ok TwT, I like VOAdam's Baldi's Basics comic dubs, search him up! :3) after we ate the proxies were doing the dishes. Slendy was in his office, CpFan was chasing CJeff around and I was cuddling (Y/N), "YAYYYYY!" BEN smiled once he

won Pudge (meh brother plays that *Lenny face*) "I'm going out for a kill, wanna come (Y/N)?" "Sure" she smiled and went upstairs to change. She came back down in a red hoodie, black skinny jeans and some white kicks. "Alright, let's go" I smiled, she nodded and skipped towards the door. "Make sure nøt tø get caught!" Slender yelled. "Alright" (Y/N) and I said then left.

Your POV ('cause idk XD)
I held onto Jeff's hand and he intertwined our fingers. "So who we killing today?" I asked looking at him, "I donno, maybe some stupid bitch or a random dude" he shrugged making me giggle. "Ok!" We made it to a dark alley and hid in the shadows. A girl walked in, she had blond hair, green eyes, freckles, a crop top that stopped just below her breasts, a VERY short skirt, black heels and some lipstick.

"Go. To. Sleep" Jeff chuckled darkly walking out from the shadows while I followed. Her eyes widened when she saw Jeff. "Omg Jeffy-poo~!! I love you!! Let's get married baby!" I rolled my eyes at the slutty fangirl. She suddenly grabbed him and kissed him. I watched as Jeff tried pulling away but she grabbed onto the collar of his hoodie and continued kissing him. I snuck up behind her and stabbed her back. She let go of Jeff

and screamed. She suddenly grabbed Jeff's arm and tried kissing him, I grabbed his other arm and pulled him towards me. "Listen up slut, Jeff's mine so I suggest you leave before we bash your fucking brains out" I growled. "Bitch please, Jeffy-bear loves ME so you better leave" she growled. Jeff suddenly yanked his arms from us and killed the girl. "Stupid whore" he sighed. I nodded in agreement and we left the alley to kill some more

people. I killed a whole house while Jeff killed another house then we killed everyone in a pink mansion then ran back to the Slender Mansion. "I'm gonna go shower" I said going upstairs. "M'kay" I heard Jeff reply. I went into our room and grabbed some clothes, I went into the bathroom, closed the door, put the clothes on the sink and started undressing. I hopped into the shower and started

cleaning the blood off me. I closed my eyes enjoying the warm water run down my body when I suddenly felt two muscular arms wrap around me and my back was pressed against a muscular chest, "hey baby" Jeff said kissing my wet hair. "How did you get in?" I asked confused. "Killer" he said "ohhhhh...I knew that!" He just chuckled in response and we continued the shower. Although Jeff did perverted things while I

washed myself but I didn't mind. After the shower I was getting dressed in a white shirt with the words "Jeff's Gurl" in blood red letters. I had some black skinny jeans and blue kicks. I walked downstairs to see Sally and Nina playing dolls. I walked into the kitchen to Slender. "Do you need help with dinner Slendy?" I asked "that wøuld be løvely (Y/N)!" He 'smiled' and we started

cooking some pasta. We all sat down and were about to eat when CpFan and Nina suddenly yelled "CANNIBALISM!!!!!!!" "What dø yøu twø mean?" Slender asked. "It's cannibalism because we're CreepyPASTA and we're eating pasta!" Clockwork pointed out. Jeff sighed in annoyance while I laughed. I leaned my head onto Jeff's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I was glad

that he didn't cheat. (Meh:or did he..? DUN DUN DUN!!!! Ok I'm joking😂) after breakfast Jane offered to do the dishes. I went to the other side of the mansion and went to my room since my aunt's mansion was connected to the mansion remember? I crawled into my queen sized bed and was about to fall asleep when Jeff bursted in, closed the door, jumped on the bed and fell asleep on me. "Dude...you're heavy" I muttered "mmmm baby~" he moaned "I know you're not asleep" he smiled and laughed  "you got me babe" I smiled back, yawned and closed my eyes seeing noting but darkness (meh:whenever I close my eyes I see a face just staring at me with a wide grin!) "night (Y/N)" Jeff muttered before I heard nothing but him snoring.

His kitty (Jeff The Killer x Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now