Calling him

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      I was at home just waiting for the call that Calum had promised. I tried not getting my hopes up since in the past things have changed with the bands schedule. I sat on the bed with Duke, I had a cereal box right next to me. It was Frosted Flakes. The first sweet thing that I'd craved the whole pregnancy. I stuck my hand in the box and ate a handful of the cereal when Calum called. I swallowed the food in my mouth and answered.
         "Hi noodle."
          "Hey Calpal. How's the tour life so far?"
           "It's going good. Ashton has his kids and wife with him. It just makes me this more exited for out little one" He spread out his arms  to show how exited he was.
            "Oh really? Are his kids cute?" I asked.
            "The little faces are so adorable. But I'm sure that our little hood is gonna be the cutest. I can just feel it."
            I looked down at my bump as little hood kicked.
            "How's the last bit of pregnancy going for you?" Calum asked.
            "It's going good. My appetite has gone through the roof. I almost have to limit myself from eating everything in the house." I laughed and stuck a other handful of cereal in my mouth.
          "A-are you eating dry cereal babe?" Calum asked with a weird look on his face.
          Duke came onto the bed. He barked and you got a feeling that he needed to be outside to go to the bathroom.
           "I think Duke needs to go outside. I'll bring you with me so that we can talk downstairs. It's better lighting there anyway."
         "Little grandpa is there?!"
        "Yep. Here he is." You angled the laptop to show Duke. "I should probably let him out now so that he won't have any accidents in the house."
       I walked down the stairs with Duke and let him outside. I sat down on the couch and put my laptop on the coffee table.
      "This little one misses you. They've been kicking non stop ever since you left. The kicks have been light though, and from hormones I've been crying a crap ton so I've been getting good enough sleeps." I rubbed my bump as I smiled. "I can't wait until your back and to give birth. It's just becoming so much weight in the front of me that sometimes I almost fall over."
     Calum giggled. "Well it's getting pretty late where I am so I should probably head to bed."
"Alright. Talk to you soon. I'm going in for my doctors appointment tomorrow, it's at 9:30am. So maybe we can chat then and I can show you how big the little one is."
"Alright babe. Goodnight. Hopefully we can talk tomorrow. I'll let you know when I'm free."
"Ok. Love you."
"Love you too."
I closed the laptop and looked at the time. It was 8:45 and I was feeling tired. I went upstairs and went to bed.

*the next day*

It was around lunch time when Calum texted me saying that he was available to call. I got my laptop and the ultrasound pictures that I was gonna show him plus the sandwich I made. I sat down on the couch and called Calum.
       "Hi noodle."
       "Hey Calpal." I said, taking a bite of my sandwich.
      "How was your doctors appointment? Little one doing ok?"
        "It was really good. We did a 3D altrasound of little hood and I have a couple of pictures."
       Ashton then came into the frame with one of his little ones.
         "This isn't your room, mate. Go away." Both men laughed as Calum pretended to swat at Ashton.
        I laughed as Ashton's head snapped towards the camera. "Oh hey Y/N. How's the last bit of pregnacy going for ya?"
          "It's going good. This kid has been kicking non stop since Cal's been away." I took another bite of my sandwich.
"Jeez mate. What are you still doing here? I didn't invite you to my barbecue, so get out of my grill." Ashton giggled and left the room. "Alright back to where we were. Can I see the pics? And your bump possibly?"
"Yeah sure. I have two pictures." I held them up so that the picture itself was facing me. "Do you wanna see number one or two first?"
"I'll pick number two.
Picture #2

       "Oh my god

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"Oh my god. Babe we made that. Holy f*ck." Calum's eyes started to full with tears. "That's our little baby hood. Damn he's so adorable."
"That's what I said. Ok now this one is definitely proof that it's your child." I picked up the photo and showed it to the screen.
Picture #1

       "Oh my

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"Oh my. That's definitely my child. I can't wait for them to be born." Calum had a gigantic smile on his face. "Ok bump time. I wanna see your cute baby bump."
"Ok ok. Slow down Calum." I giggled a little bit and stood up. "Also don't judge my clothing attire. I'm pregnant."

(Y/N's Bump ^^)         Calum gushed over my baby bump

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(Y/N's Bump ^^)
Calum gushed over my baby bump. I sat back down on the couch best as I could when I heard Duke scratching at the door to come back inside. I grunted.
"Hold on. Little grandpa wants to be let inside. I practically rolled myself off of the couch and waddled over to the back door. "Alright I'm back. We should probably install a doggy door so that Duke can just go out and come back in whenever he'd like."
"Yeah that would be a good idea."
"Can I also ask you about something?" I asked, rubbing my bump. "It's about the birth."
"Yeah sure. We should probably start working on a birth plan anyway."
"Well... the hospital has hired on new midwives and doctors. Basically some are fans of 5sos, and I don't want them knowing about the pregnancy/birth of baby hood before we announce the arrival. So I was thinking that we could have a home birth."
"If that's what's you're most comfortable with, then we can do that." Cal smiled as Luke came into the room.
"Calum we should probably start heading over to the arena now. We need to get everything set up and do a couple of test runs before the actual show." Luke came into the screen and saw me. "Hey Y/N. we're gonna have to steal your husband for a while. He needs to go and perform."
"Ok. If he needs to go then that's all right with me." I smiled. "I'll put the pictures of baby hood on the fridge so that when you come home you can see them."
"That's great. Love you noodle. Maybe I can call you back after the show. I have a room to myself, so it'll be easy to video chat without disturbing anyone."
"Ok bye babe." I said waving.
"Bye noodle. Hopefully we can talk later."
The call ended and I sighed. It was gonna be a long few months. In the evening Calum called again before he went to bed. It was such a good feeling too see Calum's face even when he's somewhere across the world.

Calum Hood Pregnancy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now