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"Woah wait" Ms. Merliy readjusts her glasses "did you just cast pocket storage 10 feet away from your hand?That's crazy, I didn't even know it could be cast like that." She looks to her side and casts it away from her like I did. "huh, would you look at that." her storage opens far from herself as I did with mine "oh, right you can go now and be careful. Everyone wants to make a name for themselves so you best watch your back even if I let you out early" she waves me out the door and I dash to my next class with reflex action on the whole time. Midway a wall of water stops me from going further.

"geez, I missed my first class because of you" it's Jennifer of course, why not more trouble.

"Hey, I never asked you to follow me home or wake me up in the morning" I state

"So what, I had to make sure you aren't slacking off." she turns her nose up defiantly.

"It's my first day of school filled with magic, trust me I'm not going to miss this for the world. Magic is like a whole new world for me to explore, there is no way I'm going to stay home and sleep." I walk away and hear a bottle open up, I turn to her and see a smug look on her face.

"Well let's see what you've learned" she hurls water at me and I make a portal above her.

"HYAAA" she screams as the cold water soaks her from above. I take off as fast as I can to my next class before she can recover. "I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS" she yells as I speed down the hall. The bell rings  not long after and as soon as I'm spotted they fire their spells at a rapid fire pace. The only thing keeping me alive is the portal spell to escape and as defense but I'll run out of magic power eventually so as soon as I get the opportunity I need to learn the dragon spells. I finally get to my class and find only one person there. She sat on the teachers desk like she's been expecting me. Her blond her flowed down past her shoulders and her blue eyes looked as if the sky was in her very soul.

"Andrew right?" she says immediately "I've been wanting to talk to you"

"that's kinda veg. Sorry but I'm running low on power and only know three spells so it would be an empty win if you fought with me." I try to sneak out of fighting her.

"I'm not here to fight, I just want to know if you're okay. Jennifer went pretty hard on you yesterday." she smiles

"oh, you're the one who saved me from that psycho. She came to my house to wake me up this morning." I laugh

"ah jeez, that girl." she puffs her mouth in frustration "anyway, I'm Hope. I'm a fire mage like you, but I can heal people with my fire, my creature is the Eternal Phoenix, hey have you figured out any of your dragon spells yet? I would love to see them." The girl just keeps talking on with no end.

"No I haven't figured them out yet, I have no idea how to even begin one of them"

"you know you could just make your own spells if that's the case." She points out. I stare at her.

"...you can do that?"

"Yes" she looks so smug about knowing that, does she realize that I didn't even know magic existed until a few days ago!

"Is it just like silent casting or is it different?" I question

"Yeah kinda, the only difference is the spell may blow up in your face," she starts talking faster "now making a chant for it is the hard part, you have to make it so it helps visualize the spell. All spells are visualization. If you can see it, understand how it works, and have the right amount of magic you can cast any spell within the non elemental spells. It also works that way with elemental spells but it's more like putting a 1000 puzzle together."

"your explanation is all over the place, first we were talking about my dragon spells but then it went to null spells and then something about a puzzle. I'm sorry but I just can't keep up, can you go at a slower pace or something?" my head is aching from her explanation of how to make a spell. She talks so fast I can't understand her

"Oh, I am so sorry but yeah I can help you with your spells though but first I need to know what basics you know so I'm going to have you move an object across the room."

"Okay what spell do I use?" I ask her

She looks in the me eye "figure it out yourself."

her voice gives me shivers.

I look over to the chairs in the room and raise my hand and imagine the magic project out and grab hold of it, fire sprouts from my hand and slowly forms a claw and reaches for a chair and wraps its talons around it and then crushed it.

"Well you might just need to learn control first,

this class will actually teach you that, just make sure to listen to Mr. Reick he won't repeat himself when teaching and he is very strict about class" she informs me

"What about the chair?"

"He uses time magic so he'll just restore it when he comes in. He doesn't care about damage to the room and things in it, but just be careful it can be very dangerous when he uses his power so stay clear of it" she grimaces as though she remembers something that happened before and walks away to her seat in the classroom.

The bell rings for the classes to be let out and students poor into the halls and head to their next class.

Elemental Magic- The Beginner MageWhere stories live. Discover now