Chapter Seventeen: Matthew

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 Matthew and Red Sun had spent the night at a house a few blocks down the street from Pardus's estate. It was owned by an older couple whose daughter had been a professional hero, so convincing them for shelter and a phone to use had been pretty easy once they mentioned being heroes themselves.

Even if they both technically weren't.

Matthew paced the room as he waited for Red Sun to wake, his headphones in his ears, listening to Midnight by Coldplay, a song that he rarely listened to because of its mellow and solemn vibe.

In the darkness before the dawn

In the swirling of this storm

When I'm rolling with the punches and hope is gone

Leave a light, a light on.

He sat on the edge of the bed looking down at his hands. Images of the previous day snapped into his mind. Those yellow flames. The blood. Cecilia's screams. He felt his throat begin to seize with panic, but he did as Cecilia had told him, closed his eyes, and breathed. Just breathed.

Millions of miles from home

In the swirling swimming on

When I'm rolling with the thunder but bleed from thorns

Leave a light, a light on.

He thought back to what Pardus had said about Micah, mulling over it. It was true that his brother, his best friend, would disappear for days on end, leaving him alone in the quiet, dusty room they shared. Leaving him to sit and wonder where he had gone off to and when he'd return.

And when he did return, sometimes he came back bloody and bruised, complaining about Pardus and how his special training sessions were merciless and relentless. Whenever he received a new scar, he'd show him and remind him of the dangers of the real world, warning him to stay away from the cold villain. And yet, here Matthew was, after three years living with him. Finally breaking free.

His fondest memories of Micah had been laying besides him when he couldn't sleep and was scared to be alone in the dark. He remembered curling into his side as he listened to his stories. Stories about good and evil. Heroes and villains. And how good always, always won. No matter what. And there, in the dark, in his comfort and warmth, he believed it.

Micah hadn't lied to him, right?

He was shaken out of his head when he heard Red Sun roll over and sigh behind him.

Matthew turned and pulled a headphone out of his ear. "Red Sun?"

"Yeah?" Came his raspy reply.

Matthew paused his music, wrapped his headphones around his iPod, and faced him. "Are you feeling better?"

Red Sun rolled onto his back and lifted his head. "Somewhat." He paused and looked around, his brows knitting with confusion. "Where are we?"

Matthew sighed. "How much do you remember from yesterday?"

Sadness flickered behind those red eyes. "Enough."

Matthew sighed and nodded. "I'm sure."

Silence fell between them. A silence which they both shared the temporary mourning of their lost friend and loved one. She had sacrificed herself to save them. And for now, she was gone.

"Well, to, uh, answer your first question we are at the... Burberry's house."

"Huh? The what-what house?"

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