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As I turned to go to my room kian grabbed my wrist and then I let out a yelp and he apoligized.

" I'm sorry. Don't leave." Kian said.

" Why?" I asked.

" Because, I want to talk to you."

"About what?" I replied

"I just want to talk. Is it that weird to talk instead of text?"

I chuckled at his funny comment.

" Why is it so damn hard to talk to me?" He said.

" I'm talking to you now aren't I? I am just not in the mood to talk." I said still thinking about what Andrea had said to me.

" Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I yelled and pulled my wrist from Kians grip.

I went up to my room ignoring kian and slammed and locked the door behind me.

Why can't anyone ever leave me alone?

I decided to text Andrea.

'What did I ever do to you?'

'Oh sweetie I thought you figured it out by now'

I threw my phone across my room and it broke well...shattered.

Kian rushed up to my room and knocked on my door like there was no tommorrow

"Are you ok Ricky?"

"Go away Kian."

"No Ricky, I want to know if your ok?"

" I'm fine."

Kian broke the lock and came in and saw my phone

"I'm not ever going to leave you alone. "

" Ok you can 'never leave me alone' for 14 days but then you have to leave."

"Ok so I'll get more apps on my phone after I have to leave so I'm not bored all alone in my room."

"No you have to leave, leave the o2l house, and never come back."

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