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I ran into the bathroom after he said that and hurled 3 pounds off. Literally.

" Pizza!" Jc yelled from downstairs.

I cleaned up and got my blade and slit my wrists.

I went downstairs and ate 1 and a half pieces of pizza and I ran to the bathroom and hurled.

I went to bed after that not telling the boys and when I woke up with Ricky wide awake laying next to me but I think he is daydreaming. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my chest.

" Are you ok Ricky?

" I'm perfectly fine when I'm with you, Danny."

I started crying and then I tryed to get up but then he smacked my ass.  " You go boy." Ricky said.

" Can I tell you a secret Ricky?"

" Yeah"

"I'm gay. "



" Wow well can you help me out with Danny?"


" Yeah."
I think this one was a short chapter but I thought that would be a good place to end it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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