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Rickys pov

connor walked by Kian and started blushing and he winked. i think he likes him.

kians pov

 i have known im gay since that one day three months ago.


we were at a bar and Ricky was wasted and there was a girl on him well grinding on him and suddenly i filled with anger, no, rage. am i jealous, no i cant be, but i am. am i, Kian Lawley, gay or at least for Ricky Dillon, yes, i love Richard Porter Dillon Jr. will he love me back? obvioussly not he is as straight as parrallel lines, whoah where did that come from.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~flashback over~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ricky asked me to go get his laptop from his room so i walked into his room and saw his laptop onhis bed and i walked over to get it then my phone fell out of my pocket and it fell under his bed. i reached down to grab it and i felt a sticky magazine and grabbed it and i saw that it was a play boy magazine and i think we all know what the sticky substance is...

i found my phone and turned around still holding the magazine to find a distressed Ricky in the doorway.he ran over to me and grabbed the magazine out of my hand. "please dont tell the guys im not ready to come out yet." "dont worry your secret is safe with me."

i left him alone after that and i went to go talk to Connor.

i knocked on his door and walked in "whats up kiki?"

"can i tell you something"


"im gay...well at least for Ricky."

"wow, i didnt think you would come out to me so soon."

"what do you mean?"

"i have a gaydar you idiot."

"do you think Ricky is gay"

"i have had theorys."

*ring*ring*ring* my phone started ringing and i didnt look at the caller id


"hey." it was Andrea.

"whats up?"

"im about to tell you somthing and i need you to not freak out."


"im pregnant."

"but i thought we used a condom."

"we did thats the problem."

"how could you do this? what are you? A slut?"

"chill Kiki its a prank call."

"oh my god Andrea i am sick and tired of these fucking games, we are done Andrea, dont talk to me again. GOODBYE." i said and slammed m phone on the desk.

"what just happened?" Connor asked.

"i finally had a good excuse to break up with Andrea."

"you didnt already?"

"no. it was hard to do. she threatened Ricky. That's what made it easy this time"

i left after we finished our conversation and walkeinto my room and i started srolling throug my twitter and suddenly Ricky came bursting through my door

"do you want to go to the movies i just got 2 free tickets."

"sure Rickster."

we went to the movies and we went to go see the Into The Woods becayse those were the tickets we got and we walked by this one guy who said hi to Ricky and they started talking and it had been 10 minutes so i said "Ricky the movie is about to start lets go,"

"ok find us seats ill be right there.'

so i went and found us seats and the movie started and i texted him that the movie was starting and then turned my phone off. halfway through the movie he came in and sat next to me.

" So how do you know that guy?"

"I didn't. "

"Than why did you start talking like you haven't seen him in years and had so much catching up to do?"

"Would you mind your own business for one. Please, Kian."

"Whatever." I said and focused back on the movie."

The movie ended and when we got into the car Ricky yelled "I think I like him!"

Just then my heart shattered into a million pieces.
A/N I'm sorry for the short chapter I am grounded because I have failing grades and I barely had time to finish this.
- Ellaura

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