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He looked like he was about to cry after I said that and then he said
" Why?"
"Because why?"
" Just because."
" Andrea..."
" What about her?"

"she threatened me if i dont stop hanging out with you."

"what did she threaten?"

"she said or else not a specific thing."

"well i wont let her anywhere near you. I wont even hang out with her anymore we have lost the spark anyways."

"what does this have anything to do with the spark?"

"nothing" he said very quickly.

"just wondered."

"hey kian"

"im right here."

"i havent been able to sleep very well lately. can i, maybe, you know...sleep with you toight?"

"Are you kidding me?! i dont have a reason to say no"

"i thought you were mad at me at first."

"how can i be mad i love you. as a friend obviouslly."

"same to you, i guess. that kinda came out of nowhere. i thought this would weird you out but were like brothers we arent gay."

kians pov

after he said that my heart shattered beause i have secretly been bi and i have had a major gay crush on Ricky for the past 4 months. i have kept it a secret because i dont know if Ricky feels the same way or not.

 "im ging to go take a shower you can stay here and do whatever you want as long as your not hurtng yourself or anything in my room." i said to Ricky.

"ok" he said

i finishd my shower and i relized i forgot to get my clothes from my room and i reembered that Ricky was in there and i blushed drmatically and i walked into my room and grabbed my clothes and he acted like it was no big deal because i mean if he felt the same way it would but sadlyhe dosent feel the same way and there was no awkwardness to him at all.

i walked back into my bathroom and i got dressed and went to thebathroom and when i looked into my room Ricky was asleep on my floor so i took the blankets and pillows off of my bed and put the blankets on top of him and the pillows underneath his head and i was about to go to sit on my bed but he grabbed my wrists and pulled me next to him and said "dont leave" so i stayed and go in the blankets next to him.

oh how much i have grown to love this man and he will never feel the same.

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