Part 7:ReturnXOfXTheXPsychoXLover

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We had gotten home from our vacation when we saw a bunch of roses and a small box."Hisoka did you bring this?"I said as i looked at the roses."Hmm i don't remember buying you some last time i did was when we were together in the hotel.He said looking at the paper the roses."but there's a note here love"He said as he gave me the letter.The letter read
"dear (y/n) I have come for you my dear I've been waiting for you for a long time,I would like to take your hand in marriage,I've been waiting for the longest time ever since we were young kids,since your parents passed on they've given me their consent to have you as my beloved fiancée,Just like we said when we were young adults as we both fantasized to have children together and spend eternity together,I have everything ready we just need yo look for your dress,i will come back at dawn to take you with me back to Twilight Forest (made up town or somethin lol)Where we will have the biggest party in honor of our love,soon we will be together forever,love Chrollo Lucilfer"
"What?I looked at the letter again reading it."Why is he coming all of a sudden i thought he said he had found someone"I said as i opened the small box seeing a big beautiful diamond ring.I noticed hisoka looked at the ring and noticed a look of nervousness and despair."So are you gonna marry him?"I looked over at him seeing pain in his eyes."n-no of course not,why would i marry him if I have you.I said as i dropped the ring and went to him hugging him he hugged me tight as he held me close."Please don't leave me"He said as I heard his voice shake.I blushed deeply as i held his face"Ill never leave you no matter what hisoka ill be by your side"I smiled as i kissed him,He kissed me back as i blushed smiling."Why (y/n) you said you only loved me why did you backstab me with a....clown!"He said as he slammed his fist onto the wall leaving a huge hole in the wall."You will be my fiancé no matter what I'm not going to let you go!"He said as his hands turned black and black snakes came closer and closer towards me and hisoka,Hisoka lifted me up and held me close but somehow a snake grabbed onto hisokas leg dropping him.He fell and the snakes wrapped around him and another pair grabbed me"l-let me go!Ill never marry you the one i love is hisoka and only him and he's not a clown!I said as I teleported away from the snakes and going to hisoka seeing the snakes were biting into him and seeing their scales were really sharp"O-Oh no they're hurting you.."I said as i saw his pale skin turn red from his blood,i grabbed the snakes feeling the sharp pain of the scales but managed to take one off but as i pulled one off another came."love behind-"Before he could finish his sentence chrollo came from behind and covered my mouth with a cloth,"you'll never have my fiancé you pathetic clown"Chrollo said before i felt my self conscious leaving me.But just as it did i heard hisoka scream my name loudly
◾ Hisoka POV ◾
I saw them take her causing my heart to ache I've never felt this way until now i felt anger
sadness rage and fear,They took my love and I was stuck tied up.Not able to save the love of my life and saw a man take her before my eyes,I felt my eyes grow heavy feeling my body loose strength from all the blood leaving me,I heard someone yell my name causing me to wake up seeing it was gon and killua."Oi hisoka where is y/n!"He said as I felt my heart ache again.My head fell"They took her..I'm not sure who and where they did but she's getting married with them by force"Killua grabbed the snakes ripping them to pieces,I leaned on the wall gaining my energy back and sigh softly."i understand you do not like me but please i cannot let her marry that psycho,all I know is that his name is chrollo Lucilfer and that he's known her since they were kids and i suppose they were a couple back then"I told the two as killua eyes widened"Oi gon isn't that the guy kurapica is goin after,he's leaving today maybe if we make is in time we can get to him an join him to find him"Killua said as he gave a determined smirk."That's a good idea lets go!He's probably getting on a taxi soon we gotta hurry!"Gon said looking at me"Hey!arent you coming with us?"He said as killua ran out the door."i nod and get up"Yes,lets go"I said walking behind himself

◾ Your POV ◾
"Get away from me I'm not wearing that stupid dress!"I said to the lady that was trying to put a
dress on me"Please miss you must put it on its mr.Chrollos orders"She said as she finished putting the dress on me."Fuck that guy I don't even want to marry him,I'm in love with another man"I said as i thought of hisoka,i miss him so much.Times passed already it's been a week now and I heard the wedding is tomorrow I don't wanna marry chrollo i wanna marry hisoka and only him.I said in my head as I feared that i would have to marry chrollo and never see hisoka again."My dear you look beautiful in your dress"I turned around and saw chrollo walking over to me,I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him"Leave me alone you fuckin creep"I said as i heard him scoff under his breath."I just love this side of you my dear~"He said as he walked over to me.He held my waist as I pushed him off"God if you really love me then give me some fucking space"I said as i growled"No matter what you do i will never marry you chrollo,The one i love is his-"I was frightened by the noise of a wine glass shattering against the wall leaving a red stain on the pale white paint."S-Shut up!Stop talking about that stupid clown!!He gives you nothing compared to all the things i can give you,A beautiful palace endless riches and being by me side!"He said as he walked over and pinned me on the sofa i was near.Chrollo would grab the dress pulling the cloth off my upper body kissing my neck and shoulder as he would pin my hands down"g-get off me you fucking phsyco!!"I said as he kissed me deeply,as he tried to slip his tongue into my mouth i bit it hard causing blood to spill out from the decently big wound"I'm only a psycho for you my dear"He smirked as he Grabbed some cuffs connected to the wall as he fixed my dress back on"Untill then i will see you in 5 days where we will both say our wedding vows and be together forever and you'll never see that stupid clown ever again"He put a blindfold covering my eyes.He smirked and chuckled as he got up and left.As he left i felt my heart ache as he said hisoka"H-Help me p-please.."My voice shook feeling fear overwhelm me causing my eyes to Tear up as i cried for the love of my life to save me

Thank you for ready this chapter I hope that you guys enjoyed it and look forward to part 2 ;)

Hello everyone I hope everyone's been safe with all this crazy stuff goin around but anyways I wanna apologize for the super late story and for always saying Imma post it soon or in a few minutes from now on imma just post it lol 😂
Anyways thanks for  12K READS omg I'm legit crying can't even believe people read my stories and it means so much to me also HUUUGE thanks for 32 followers ❤️it may be a small number but it's big for me thx sm!!

Well enough of that thanks for reading leave a comment for any suggestions of future story plots and I'll see you guys in the next story


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