Short Tempers and Lots of Questions

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Chapter 5; Short tempers and lots of questions


When 8:30ish hit I was completely dead. I wanted to go home and sleep more than anything in the world. The two girls working the night shift both came in early and took me out of my misery which I was highly thankful for.

I sat down at the stoll in front of the silver bar infront of me. I ran my hands threw my scalp and dropped my head down slightly. My phone jolted me from my thoughts. I groaned and pulled it from the waistband of my leggings.

Mama flashed across the top of my screen and I sighed before sliding my thumb across the bottom and bringing it up to my ear

"Hola mami." I greeted

"hola cariño, ¿cómo estás?" She said happily making me smile

"I'm good. I just got off of work." I explained

"Don't be working to hard chica." She said sternly making me chuckle slightly

"I know mami." I rolled my eyes and played with the ends of my hair. "Did you get the money I sent?" I asked

"Yes, but I don't want to talk about that." She brushed off angering me slightly

"We have to talk about it. 350 goes to electricity- me dijo que no. eso es todo (I said no, that's it)." She cut me off making me groan

"Give the phone to abuela por favor." I sighed rubbing my forehead

"You make me get nervous talking about this nonsense. I miss you mucho and you no care." She said in her thick accent making me sigh

"Yo sé." I mumbled lowly

"Speak up Niña."

"Yo sé." I said clearer and she sighed contently

"Dame el teléfono." I heard my grandma yell in the background

"Un minuto yo estoy tratando de hablar con mi hija." My mother snapped at her

One minute, I'm trying to speak to my daughter.

"usted no sabe lo que su." I heard her yell before there were nasty words said and some rambling on the phone

You don't know what you have to talk about

Than there was lots of yelling in fluent Spanish before the line went dead.

"Mami? Abuela?" I tried asking but neither answered and I hung up the phone

I slammed it on the counter and groaned. This is why I get stressed out. My mother is completely oblivious to the real world. My grandma knows what she is doing but it's no use considering you doesn't know a syllable of English and my mother is so rusty and her accent is so thick you can barely understand her. Both of them are incapable of going and getting a job or getting on the phone and paying a bill. I don't know how I'm going to be able to focus on school, work and home all at the same time. It's times like this I realize how much I need to be home. Everything would just be easier.

I sighing I grabbed my purse and dropped it front of me. I rumbled around till my hand landed on my pill bottle. I opened it before dropping one on the palm of my hand and closing it back up. I threw my head back and took the pill dry before throwing the bottle back in my bag.

"Can I have whatever your taking?" A deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I jumped slightly and whipped around to see Justin smirking.

"Oh hi." I muttered quietly And he chuckled.

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