Chapter 11

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You felt yourself still sinking... how long had it been since you last heard his voice...?

You closed your eyes trying to remember everything that had transpired since this darkness had swallowed you...

How long had it been?

Were you going to see the light of day again?

...were you going to see him again...?

You clenched your fist, biting your lower lip. You felt like a worthless piece of trash.

You screamed out into the never-ending darkness, which seemed to swallow any hope for calling out for help.

The darkness swallowed your cries for help as you felt hot, fresh tears rise into your eyes and float upwards, getting swallowed.

A pain, sharp yet weak, struck the side of your head, and you screamed.

You screamed louder as the pain grew, and a light shone brightly into your eyes blinding you.


You blinked several times before being able to see past the blinding light. The images swerved around your vision.

"Y-Y/n it will be alright... I'm here... please be ok..." Fun-time Freddy's voice said echoing slightly.

"Fun time-Freddy..." you heard yourself cough slightly, and a gentle, yet cold, paw wipe across your mouth with gentleness you did not know an animatronic had.

You blinked again and looked at the figure who had wrapped his arms around you gently and held you against his chest. His fur was slightly damp from all the sweat that you had dripping from your brow.

"Y/n... thank God you're ok..." he searched your eyes. "Y-you...are okay right...?" He looked at you worriedly.

Besides your head spinning and the fuzzy images coming into focus with every passing second, you slowly nodded. "Y-yes I'm alright..."

He hugged you tightly, but gently, against his cold chest. His new bow tie, red, was in your face, but you did not care. You hugged him back, trying to hold back the tears which now formed in your eyes.

"Y/n I was so worried... you fell into a coma for three weeks... I did not know if you would ever wake up... I was so scared you would... you would..." he sat you gently upright in his lap. "I-I'm just glad you're alright..."

You nodded and smiled up at him, though feeling a bit dizzy. His gentle paw was set at the curve of your back holding you steady.

Before you had time to ask what happened, he touched his nose to yours. You blushed knowing if he was a human, this hold be a real kiss. But you did not complain that you could not feel his soft lips against yours, and you nuzzled his nose gently with yours smiling.

His animatronic eyes sparkled slightly as he held you gently from him, looking into your eyes with a kindness he had not shown before. "Y/n... I-I... I love you... always have and always will Y/n..."

You blushed intensely and looked up at him. You smiled a little and gently booped his nose. "I love you to... my amazing cute fluffy bear."

He chuckled. "Protective, not cute, and not fluffy, but rather metallic."

You laughed and he did as well. "You are cute in my eyes Fun-Time Freddy. Always have been, and always will be."

Fun-Time Freddy X Reader | ✔️| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now