6° Chapter (Edited)

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Hi, babes! Picture of Josh.

Chapter 6 -

During the night I woke up more often than ever. The same dream always hunted me; 'The Shadow' hunted me. He chased me. Always getting closer. No matter how many time I woke up, the dream was always the same, and the ending as well. It ended with Shadow catching me and whispering in my ear "You're mine. Don't forget that."

It made me shiver. Every single time, I woke up screaming. Even with the sleeping pills I still woke up.

Compared to this dreams, Tyler having sex with some girl wasn't even a bother. Don't get me wrong, I still love him. It still hurt. But this dreams, they made me scared of every shadow I see moving.

Every time I saw a shadow moving I would jump and maybe even let a little scream come out. What could I do? I was afraid. Actually, I would welcome the pain I felt when Tyler has sex with another person than this.


As I made my way to the kitchen in that morning, I bumped into someone. It was a woman. She was taller than me. Taylor. What the fuck did I do the Goddess?

I tried to move away from her. But she grabbed my arm, closing the distance between us.

- It's better if you get away from Tyler, you stupid sub. - She said, hate filling her voice.

I whined due to the dominant power in her voice. I tried to move away but she wouldn't let go of my arm. She put more force in it and I could feel it burning, leaving a mark. I whimpered due to the pain. She laughed in my face.

- Stupid mutt, just stay away from him.

- Or what? - I manage to say with all the courage I could muster.

- Or I'll make you regret you even thought about talking to him.

The look of hate in her eyes scared me. She was a crazy woman. But it wasn't her threats that are going to make me apart from my mate. I have waited too long to let that happen.

She may be a Dominant and I a sub, but let's face it. I'm not just any sub. I'm a White Wolf. A proud one at that. I'm way stronger than her every day of the week.

Taylor let go of my arm, but I still felt some pain. It wasn't like that overwhelming pain, that you can barely do anything with it. No, with a little concentration I wouldn't even remember it was there.

I made my way to the kitchen and opened the door. Working was going to take my mind off of this things. 


Late in the afternoon, I made my way to my bedroom. Working in the kitchens was tiring. Awfully tiring. I would never know it would take so much of me, if I haven't experienced it myself.

"You're mine."

A heard a whisper. Nothing more than that. But it scared the shit out of me.

I started to walk faster, wishing that my bedroom was closer to the kitchens. But no, it had to be the whole fucking way across the pack house.

In my way to my bedroom there was a group of Dominants. Strong Dominants. They were talking amongst themselves and I didn't want to intrude so I tried to slip between them, trying not to be noticed.

- Where are you going, sub? - One of them asked me as another grabbed my arm.

- My room. - I said in a low whisper.

- Not so fast. - The Dominant holding my arm squeezed it harder, making me whimper. They all laughed in my face. Making me squirm in anger.

As one of them was starting to say something, my inner wolf screamed in fear.

"They know it Archer! They know what we are!" Jasper, my inner wolf, told me.

I looked at them, fear filled my eyes, and anger fuelled my mind to think of something. And one idea comes to my mind. If they know everything, why not make use of it?

"He, who whispers to me in a dream. 
He, who came to me in a dream. 
He, who broke me in a blissful dream. 
Make him come, Mother. 
Save me from those who seek to do me evil."

I chanted in my head, the protective spell a White Wolf that passed by the pack, taught me. It wasn't strong, or powerful. It was just enough so that one of the person that loved me came to my rescue. Yes, my magick may protect me. But I don't want to make my present announced to everyone.

- I want you to do us a little favour. - One of the Dominants said. Probably the chief of them. - You could give us your magic, and maybe you can live. Maybe.

I smirked looking at his face. He looked confused. Unaware of what was coming for him. As I finished my laughing fit, a male wolf entered the hallway where we were. He was in his wolf form. Dark brown coloured his fur, with big blue eyes. He was big. Which means strong.

He came towards us. At first, he was walking slowly. Everyone was unaware of him, except me. But then, he started to run. Still silent as a shadow. He jumped at one of the men that were holding me. He cut his arm from the shoulder to the elbow. Even for a Werewolf that was a rough wound. One that would take time to heal. The brown wolf then, jump to the other one, making him scream and run away in fear. The other Dominants in the group ran away from us. Fear splashed in their eyes.

The brown wolf looked at me and he started to change himself into his humanoid form. In front of me, stood a man. He was tall, with brown hair and amazing green eyes. That kind of eyes that left someone staring into them, until they felt lost.

- Come, Archer. You need to move. They will be back. - The strange men said.

- Who are you?

- I'll tell you later. Now, we need to get out of this hallway.

- We can go to my room. - I offered.

- Lead the way.

I moved away from him, in the direction of my room. He trailed behind me.

I opened the door to my room and he entered in front of me, sitting in my bed. I closed the door behind me.

- So, who are you? - I asked him curious.

-My name is Josh.

- What are you doing here? Why did you help me?

- My help was requested by you. I was sent by our Mother to help you.

I stared at him, wide eyes. Really? Did he really come in answer to my spell? Oh My God, it was my first spell that worked. I was so happy.

- Are you going to stay?

- No, right now it's not the right time yet. I only came because you asked. Actually, I'm not even here. This is a manifestation of me. A hologram, if you'd like to call it that.

- Oh. - It's all I manage to say.

I stared at him, sadness in my eyes. I would like to have someone here for me. But he needed to go. Right in front of me, Josh started to fade away. Into the darkness. And so was I.

With every bit of him that faded into oblivion, a bit of consciousness faded into the Darkness of my own mind.

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