12° Chapter (Edited)

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Chapter 12 -

I waited five years for this day. Five years. I could not be happier.

As Tyler drove his car to a destination unknown to me, because he didn't want to tell me, I looked at him.

He was wearing a black suit, rather expensive, and it looked good on him, but I prefer when he wears his normal clothes. Or maybe no clothes. I think that would be good too. Under all that clothes he probably has a hard body, with rock hard muscles that I am very anxious to feel under my fingers.

- You're biting your lip. - Tyler said looking at me from the corner of his eyes. I blushed.

I didn't even realise that I was doing that. I blushed deeper as I realise that he was still looking at me. 

- You look beautiful when you blush. - He said as he ran a hand on my face, letting his soft fingers wander there.

I looked at him through my eyelashes and bit my lip again, making him let out a noise that seemed the rumble of a growl that came from within his being.

He looked to the road, and I looked out of the window, trees were moving past us, or rather we were moving past them.

It was dark now; the moon was still climbing the night sky, which blossomed with stars that shone bright. I smiled at the moon.

"Artemis is watching us." I thought to myself.

I looked at Tyler; he too looked at the moon. What a wonderful sight. The soft fluorescent rays of the moon were making Tyler's pale skin shine in the night. It was as if he was an angelic being that had fallen from the sky and graced me with its presence.

My wolf steered inside of me, not comfortable with being so closed to Tyler. He is our dammed mate, how could my inner beast not be comfortable with him? He was always like this though. Every time Tyler was closed and he would be all uncomfortable and just wanted to get away.

He had never said a word to me about it, but I could feel it, deep within me. I always knew what and how he felt. We had this sort of deep connection. We always knew what we felt. We were always there for each other no matter what. No matter who.

When my grandma died, I was devastated but my wolf was there. Jasper was there.


When I first found him deep within me, I was just a baby, I could not believe. I mean, I was so young; I should not have been able to sense him. But there I was. I talked to him, every second of the day.

My parents say I was quite silent when I was a child. They didn't know I was talking to Jasper. No one knew. Later in life I found out that you just start talking and getting to know your wolf when you enter puberty but by then me and Jasper were practically best buddies. We still are.

I looked out of the window again; the trees had turned into small houses. The ones where happy families live. The ones where the two parents live happily with their children. The ones where they smile because they are happy, not because they have to.

I looked at one of the windows of the house we were passing through. We were there for barely two seconds, but it was enough for my mind to remember what it had seen.

That window would lead to a kitchen. There was a woman there. She was cooking, her eyes focused on the ingredients. Her mind on the task. Her husband sat in front of the table, looking at her. His tired looking eyes beamed with pride and love as he looked at the woman that chose to spend the rest of her life with him. And the woman was unaware of that. He smiled softly as he saw her work, and then it was over.

Hurt (boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now