10° Chapter (Edited)

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Chapter 10 -

The trees surrounded me as I walked the long brown path in the forest behind the Pack House. I did not remember where it would take me; I just knew I wanted to follow it. The sound of the leafs being crushed under my feet filled all the silence that ran around me as a protection. The leafs that still hang on the trees for dear life, in the middle of fall chanted a prayer to Gaia, Goddess of the Earth. Small animals made their way around me, not interested in the almost human being that walked in their territory. The birds sang a song in the sky. It was melodic, full of calming sounds, like you were entering a Sanctuary. And a Sanctuary it was.

In the middle of a Clearing where the brown path made by me years ago brought me, an altar to the Gods and Goddesses stood. Proud and tall. A work of art, which could only be made by the Magick possessed by the likes of me.

I used to come here a lot, after my mate's rejection. It was the only place I could get peace. I built this here because of the calming aura that surrounded this clearing. I got on my knees in front of the Altar and whispered:

- May the Gods and Goddess protect me once again.

A prayer was sent to the heavens. To the highest point on the top of Mount Olympus. The home of the immortal beings we came to worship throughout the centuries. Not long ago, wolves worshiped every God, but now the tradition was forgotten. Most of them only worshiped Artemis. But not me. As a White Wolf, I knew that I was blessed by the entities that ruled the skies and the grounds of this decaying world.

I worshiped every God, but mostly the Olympic. These being Zeus, King of the Gods and the sky. Hera, his wife and Goddess of marriage. Poseidon, God of the seas and creator of the Almighty Horse. Hades, God of the underworld - even though he did not live in the top of Mount Olympus but in Hades. Demeter, Goddess of the agriculture. Athena, Goddess of knowledge. Apollo, God of the sun and poetry. Artemis, Goddess of the moon and the hunt. Hermes, the messenger of Gods. Dionysus, God of Wine. Aphrodite, Goddess of love. Ares, God of War. And Hephaestus, God of fire. And, even though she wasn't an Olympic goddess, I still prayed to Nyx, Goddess of the Night.

I pray to them all, because I know that it was them who created me. I am the only one in my pack that still keeps this traditional behaviour. And I am not going to stop it.

On the Altar there were small figurines, a statue of sorts that represented each God and Goddess. A stick of incense was light up in the centre of the Altar. Its smoke flying towards the sky where the Gods would hear my prayers.

It was silent in the clearing, not a creature stepped on this holy ground. At least, besides me. I found this place when I attempted to escape from the place I call home. Something guided me here. I believe it were the gods so I built them this Altar. A way of repaying them for giving me the place where I would came to cope, and cry and ask why. A place for me to be close to the beings that controlled the fate of this world.

The wind rose up around me, singing a song long forgotten within my soul, for I haven't come to this place of peace since the arrival of Tyler. A whisper came with the wind. A command. A spell.

"Sleep!" It said.

And that is what I did.


Once again I was surrounded by the forest. The brown, yellowed forest of my home. The forest where I had fallen asleep.

I wasn't in the same clearing, though, for in this one there was no altar. A sense of dread caught up with me. This place wasn't peaceful, or as welcoming as the other. There a feeling of darkness that lingered in the air around me.

In the clearing there was some sort of ruins. An amount of rocks that rose up together. It seemed as if they'd fallen after a great impact. There were no sounds in the forest. Not the singing of birds. Nor the sound of the footsteps of the small animal that used to roam this forest with a final purpose. Not even the ruffle of the leafs that still hold on to the branches of the remaining trees that still fought the coming of winter.

- Come to me. - A whisper aroused from the silence that surrounded the woods.

I turned around but there was nothing there. Just the ruins of something.

- Come to me as you were! - The whisper came again from the nothingness of this place.

There was no one in here but me, so where did the whisper came from? The world was becoming dark. My feet started to move on its own accord. Leading me somewhere I did not know.

- Come to me broken and shattered as you once have been. - The whisper arouse from the darkness that grew higher each second in front of me.

There was no way of stopping my feet from walking right to the middle of the darkness that started to stick onto my skin. There wasn't a way out of this dark sticky moisture. The dark mist that had formed surrounded me from all sides. I tried to move but I couldn't. As my eyes began to close I heard one last thing. A cry of joy. A scream of pure excitement.

- He's mine. - It said.

And as the darkness finally swallowed me whole, the scream continued for eternity.

He's mine. He's mine. He's mine. He's mine. He's mine. He's mine. He's mine. He's mine. He's mine. He's mine. He's mine.

Hurt (boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now