April 20th

41 2 13

I think I got an ear infection, my ear hurts whenever I swallow.

Is it just me, or do the days feel SO much longer now that we are off school? They do for me.

I'm supposed to make two popup cards and give them to neighbors for ceramics. 1) it's ceramics, not paper sculptung class 2) I don't think we're supposed to be going and dropping things off at neighbors houses when we could potentially have coronavirus and give it to them. The past few assignments have been paper related.

Apparently midterms already happened. So time feels slower but also faster at the same time.

This week for English is just reassesment, thankfully I've been doing well so only 7 classes to focus on. I'm worried about the AP test though—I've never taken one so I don't know the difficulty. If you've taken one, how hard is it? Should I be worrying if I'm studying as much as my teacher wants me to?

I think I'm going to try to finish my other book. I've always wanted to have written a full novel, but have never completed an entire one. I'm also getting into audio programming, which is surprisingly much easier than it seems. Khan Academy's trigonometry course basically gives you all the resources you need to understand all the basics, then a lot of the concepts like the different types of modulation synthesis are really simple concepts. Filters are slightly confusing but still understandable. I'm learning C++ along with all these things and it's really interesting.

I did Khan Academy's Mathematics 3 course, and hopefully I will be able to take the Demonstrated Competency Assessment with all of this going on. If you are taking IB it's supposed to help a lot if you do calculus during sophomore year.

Anyone here take IB before? How was your experience?

I finished a remix for a contest, I don't know yet if I will win and I am waiting. Hopefully I will, because the prizes are amazing and the exposure from the contest would help me so much. If you are interested who's hosting it and want to enter, there's still time. Go to "In the Mix" on YouTube and Michael from the channel is hosting a remix competition.

I can't believe I'm going into next school year after a break over 5 months long. It's kind of crazy. It's weird to think about how my future will be affected by this.

What kind of stuff are you guys learning now?

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